Katy Perry stunned her Instagram followers on Friday morning in a shimmery blue dress. The star was pictured posing behind a set of curtains, perhaps before she went on the set of Good Morning America, in a fitted, blue sequin midi dress that featured an asymmetrical off-the-shoulder neckline. In an effort to engage her followers, Katy enthusiastically invited them to catch her on the morning show during her appearance.
But that’s not all; fans noticed the mom of one wearing a butterfly ring that they believe signifies a new album could be coming. The butterfly holds a special meaning for Katy, as evidenced by her action of liking a tweet in May that referred to it as a symbol of a new era. The tweet explained how, at the end of some of her music videos, the same butterfly appears, which is usually followed by new releases.
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Katy Perry Shines In A Blue Midi Dress
The American Idol judge stunned her fans this week by uploading a carousel of photos in which she was glammed from head to toe.
She donned a figure-flattering aqua-blue sequin dress that went down just above her ankles and featured an off-the-shoulder touch on one side of the neckline. The long-sleeved dress was paired with gold sandals that gave her an extra few inches in height. Her hair was kept simple, as she slicked it all back into a low bun down in a middle part.
Her makeup was done by celebrity makeup artist Michael Anthony, who patted sparkly pink-purple eyeshadow onto her lids, rosy matte lipstick for a soft pout, and contoured her cheeks to define her cheekbones.
Is Katy Perry Hinting At A New Album?
The post, which was captioned, "Tune in to @goodmorningamerica Friday morning to catch one of your LAST peeks into PLAY. TIME’s running out to WATCH this show," fans noticed how she strategically flaunted a butterfly ring on her finger.
In a tweet Perry liked, a user explained, "I don't know if you noticed, but at the end of Roar's presentation, a bunch of butterflies appeared and this is just one of the symbols Katy has been using the most lately. I bet the next era is coming and it will have everything to do with this theme."
Her eagle-eyed fans rushed to the comments section to decipher what this could mean. One user wrote, "wait the butterfly ring?????" Another user commented, "Ok, but the butterfly... maybe she is teasing KP6 with all the butterfly symbolism."
We love seeing Katy Perry as a judge on American Idol, but we are very eagerly waiting for a new album from her that's long been overdue!