The First Thing Khloe Kardashian Does Right After Working Out

May 3, 2017 by Sara Alderman

Whether she's sharing her workout routines on Snapchat or writing tips for her "Khlo-Fit" column on her app, Khloe Kardashian is always tryin' to help a girl out when it comes to feeling good about her body.

[Photos: Splash News, Instagram]

We already know which moves she does to get a better booty and how she changed up her diet, but what about her post-workout routine? 

Khloe recently shared exactly how she recovers from an intense sweat session. "Your body needs to adapt to the physical stress of exercise by repairing muscle and replenishing energy stores in order to maximize all the amazing benefits of a tough sweat sesh," she writes. "Intense exercise depletes the body of magnesium, leading to muscle cramps, joint pain and inflammation, all of which can cause you to call it quits when the pain gets too real."

That doesn't sound like fun. So what do we do to make sure our body recovers from all that? Tell us, fitness guru Khlo$!!!

"Replenish your magnesium supply by pouring two cups of Epsom salts (naturally composed of magnesium sulfate) into a warm bath and soak for 15 to 30 minutes," she recommends. Who can argue with treating yourself to a relaxing bath after going hard at the gym??

Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt Soothe & Sleep Lavender Soaking Solution ($4.89)

Try putting some Epsom salt in your bath after your next workout to ease muscle and body aches! 

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