
Fans Applaud Khloé Kardashian's 'Healthier' Weight Gain In 'Unedited' Footage Uploaded By Her Friend: 'She Looks Good And Curvy'

June 26, 2024 by Maria Pierides
shefinds | Celebrity

Khloé Kardashian is looking better than ever these days – but it’s not because she’s lost weight, it’s actually the opposite! The 39-year-old Good American founder has been looking a little curvier these past few months; and it hasn’t gone unnoticed among her fans!

In fact, when she was papped with daughter True and niece Dream back in March rocking those famous Kardashian curves, her fans couldn’t stop gushing over her appearance! “She’s definitely looking a healthier weight for her height which is good,” complimented one fan on Reddit at the time, as another concurred: “She looks soooo much better!” And Khloé has wowed fans with her new figure once again…

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Khloe Kardashian Janet Jackson concert Palm Springs Instagram

Khloé Kardashian Dances At Janet Jackson Concert In Instagram Video

On Wednesday, June 5th, a seemingly unedited video of the mom-of-two enjoying herself at a Janet Jackson concert in Palm Springs with older sister Kim Kardashian and momager Kris Jenner hit social media. And her incredible curves stole the show!

The video was posted on friend Zoe Winkler Reinis' Instagram Story with the caption "the hottest," alongside some fire emojis, and showed Khloé dancing at the concert. She was wearing a skin-tight gray ensemble, finished off with attention-grabbing over-the-knee leather boots, while her long hair was worn in a center-parted down do. But of course, it wasn't her hair that commanded attention; it was her healthy weight gain!

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Reddit Comments

Many fans took to the comments section of a Reddit post about the unedited video to talk about Khloé's appearance. "She looks good and curvy!" exclaimed one approving fan. "Besides the enormous diaper this is the most normal looking her body has been in a minute. They really do filter the absolutely F out of everything," wrote a second fan, as a third said: "I'm here for this. She at least looks like a person here."

Some of her fans wondered about the cause of her new body shape, with some thinking it could be a result of her coming off Ozempic. (FYI, neither Khloé nor any of the other Kardashian women have confessed to being on Ozempic or any other weight loss injections, so all comments are purely speculative.)

"This definitely confirms she's off Ozempic," wrote one fan. "Looks like she's off Ozempic," agreed another. "I wonder what made her and Kim get off Ozempic at the same time. Bad side effects? They did look even more miserable when they were on it," speculated another, as another commented: "Maybe one of them got hospitalized. Was there ever a time last year where one of them disappeared for a bit without explanation?"


Senior Celebrity Writer

Maria has spent the last decade writing about entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle for online and print publications all around the globe – including InStyle, OK!, and The Mirror. At SheFinds, Maria covers breaking celebrity news, red carpet looks, celebrity transformations, A-list couples, and has a watchful eye on celebrity social media accounts. You can reach her at [email protected]

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