8 Lean Proteins Doctors Say Work Better Than Sit-Ups For Weight Loss

October 19, 2020 by SheFinds Health


We all know that protein is good for our health, but most people don’t actually realize why it’s good for us. Not only does eating protein help us feel more energized throughout the day, but it is also excellent for losing or maintaining weight. Protein increases muscle mass and promotes bone health, reduces appetite and cravings and boosts your metabolism to help increase fat burning.

Plus,  there are so many foods that are rich in protein. These are best ones to eat when trying to lose weight:

Chicken has lean protein that is high in amino acids, which build muscle tissue and strengthen your bones. It also aids in weight loss and provides essential vitamins and minerals.

Pork is an excellent source of niacin, vitamin B-6, phosphorus, zinc and potassium, which all contribute to weight loss. It is also a lean protein that can help boost your metabolism.

Tuna has protein that helps strengthen muscles and curb appetite, as well as omega-3 fatty acids that help boost the metabolism for faster weight loss.

Salmon is another great source of omega-3 fatty acid, plus it fights inflammation and is loaded with protein and antioxidants.

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein because the protein in them is of a high quality that can maintain and grow tissue. And, eggs are quite inexpensive compared to most protein-rich foods.

Black Beans are extremely high in protein and fiber, which can also contribute to boosting the metabolism and losing weight. They have a ton of vitamins known to build muscle strength, such as iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium.

Yogurt is another great source of protein with a plethora of other weight loss benefits, ranging from maintaining gut health to curbing appetite.

Nuts are one of the best snacks you can eat when trying to add more protein into your diet. They also contain good fats, fiber, vitamin E and magnesium.

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