Nutritionists Say You Should Be Having These 2 Lean Proteins Every Day As You Age—They Speed Up Your Metabolism: Greek Yogurt & Lean Meats
August 12, 2024 by Faith Geiger
As we age, maintaining a healthy metabolism becomes increasingly important for overall well-being and weight management. One key component in boosting metabolism is protein, which plays a vital role in building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes and hormones, and supporting immune function. Protein-rich foods not only help in muscle maintenance, which is crucial as muscle mass naturally declines with age, but they also require more energy for digestion compared to fats and carbohydrates, thereby increasing the body’s calorie-burning capacity.
Including sufficient protein in your diet can help sustain a healthy metabolism, and there are several delicious and nutritious options to choose from. According to Brenda Peralta, RD and Allison Herries, MS, RDN, lean meat and Greek yogurt are two protein-packed foods that can aid in weight management and provide essential nutrients that support metabolic health. Learn more about the benefits of each below.