Want ‘Fuller Lips’ Over 40 Without Looking ‘Clownish’? A Pro MUA Shares The Easy Lip Liner Hack To Avoid ‘Overlining Disasters’

March 15, 2025 by Lisa Cupido


According to Professional Makeup Artist Dominique Sachse, when women attempt to plump the look of their lips using makeup products, we have a tendency to overdraw on the lips and over-round the Cupid’s bow. The effect can be “clownish,” especially if you are starting a line to high above your upper lip and then dragging it downward (Sachse says it gives a “sad clown” look).

The sad part is you could be missing out on one of the “incredible” ways to use lip pencil to create “full lips,” all while avoiding “overlining disasters.” Before you make up your lips again, here is Sache’s guide for lining them beautifully.

Go High On the Peak

Sachse starts with her lip pencil on the peak of her Cupid’s bow and draws upward to go “high on the peak.” She draws  more of a point than a rounded tip with the pencil to create “elevation.” Then she takes the pencil just above the upper lipliner (maybe a tiny bit over, but not much).

Draw a Line Under the Lip Toward the Corners

As you drag the lip pencil downward and toward the corners of lips, Sachse suggests taking that line under your lip line (not above it) to avoid the “sad clown” look. This creates more of a sweeping bow shape along the lips.

Follow the Same Along the Bottom Lip

When you’re lining your bottom lip, Sachse suggests making a line below the center bottom that’s a little lower than your natural line for a pout. Then sweep the line upward instead of keeping it low along the bottom line. This helps create a more youthful full pout than you might get if you overline the lips without the same attention to detail.

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