Wearing your hair in a bun is the best way to enhance your natural beauty while simultaneously adding some youth to your face. According to hair stylist Holly Dear, a bun can help to create a natural face lift, using your hair to shift the angles of your face and create the illusion of younger looking skin. Pulling your hair back will give you a lift from cheekbones to forehead, helping to smooth out wrinkles simply with the placement of your hair.
Within the bun family there are plenty of options to try, from ballerina to a knot at the nape of your neck. But if your goal is anti-aging, Dear recommends a high messy bun. She explains that this style will create a softer texture for your hair than a slicked back bun, which will smooth out your features. This look is especially great if you’re working with second or third day hair--you shouldn’t be washing it everyday anyways!
As for styles to avoid because they will add age to your face, Dear notes that you should steer clear of any cut which fails to enhance your best features. According to DreamGirls co-founders Tonya Thompson and Sharie Wilson, blunt cuts at the chin should be avoided because they emphasize your eyes and jaw which are two areas of the face that tend to show age more quickly. Plus, if your hair is short, you can’t throw it up into a bun!
While preventative skincare measures are your best bet for maintaining youthful looking skin, certain hair tricks can be just as valuable in creating an ageless illusion. The next time you’re looking tired or just need a surgery-free facelift, turn to a messy bun to smooth your face and look younger without a moment's notice.