Looking To Lose Fat? Weight Loss Coach Reveals The Exact Groceries You Should Be Buying: Eggs, Bananas, More

September 24, 2024 by Mariam Qayum


When it comes to losing weight, what you stock your kitchen and fridge with plays a crucial role in reaching your fitness goals. While the grocery store has endless options, making smart choices can set you up for faster fat loss. By choosing nutritious, low-calorie items, you can help your body boost its metabolism, control cravings, and keep you feeling satiated throughout the week.

Calories.fitss, a health and wellness page with over 41K followers on Instagram, recently shared a viral post containing a “fat loss grocery list” to help their followers choose better options the next time they go grocery shopping.

Below are some of the must-buy items you should add to your shopping cart if you’re aiming to lose weight.

Healthy Fat Loss Grocery List

The list is broken down into three sections: protein, carbs, and fats. If you notice, most of the foods that are recommended are whole foods that are minimally processed.

In the caption, Calories.fitss says, “If you are looking to lose fat, you want to make sure your diet and nutrition are in check. Make sure you are in a calorie deficit, and also make sure you are eating mostly ‘whole’ foods. Foods that are nutrient dense.”

Focusing on these three branches will aid in fat loss by promoting a balanced approach that will effectively fuel your entire body. Proteins are known to support muscle groups and keep you full. Healthy fats can slow down digestion and regulate hormones. Finally, carbs will provide energy and prevent cravings for unhealthier options.


Some of the best protein options they recommend are: ground turkey, lean ground beef, chicken breast, eggs, egg whites, tuna, salmon, Greek yogurt, tofu, bison, and beans.

Healthy Fats

There are plenty of healthy fat options, but remember to enjoy them in moderation: avocado, nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios, etc.), nuts (peanut butter, almond butter), olive oil/avocado oil, dark chocolate, cheese, and Greek yogurt with fat.

Healthy Carbs

While carbs have a bad reputation, it's important to choose healthier alternatives so you don't feel restricted while losing weight: Rice (brown or white; either is fine), potatoes (white or sweet; I really enjoy sweet), oats, lentils, fruit (apples, bananas, watermelon, berries, etc.), vegetables (Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, bell peppers, etc.)⁣.

Healthy Snacks and Drinks

Walking into the snack aisle at the grocery store can feel overwhelming, as many of the items are packed with lots of salt, unhealthy fats, and excessive amounts of sugar. This usually leads people to avoid snacking while trying to lose weight, ultimately giving in to their cravings.

Calories.fitss also provided a list of healthy snack and drink options that can help satisfy cravings while keeping calories down.

Snacks: carrot sticks, rice cakes, Greek yogurt, sliced apples, hummus with bell peppers, string cheese, beef jerky, 100-calorie popcorn bags.

Drinks: water, sparkling water, flavored sparkling water, coffee, tea, unsweetened almond/cashew milk.

The Bottom Line

By incorporating these healthy whole foods, snacks, and drinks, you can control hunger, stabilize your energy levels, and get into the habit of making better choices at the store, all of which can help with effective fat loss.

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