This post has been updated since it was originally posted on 10/23/23.
While Madonna’s Celebration Tour has continued to sell out stadiums across Europe and the US, the singer has made a habit of arriving on stage over 2 hours past the original start time. Fans are starting to get fed up with the singer’s apparent tardiness issue, in fact, two fans are now suing the her for “false advertising.” Keep reading for more information.

Madonna Fans Sue For Late Start time
Madonna has arrived 30 minutes to 2.5 hours late to almost every show so far, and as a result has had to cut songs from the setlist. Even so, concerts often end at 1AM, rather than the 11PM time it was advertised to end, leaving fans very upset.
Two fans, Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden, are now suing Madonna over these late start times, claiming that they "would not have paid for tickets" had they known the show would finish so late.
According to the case, "many ticketholders who attended concerts on a weeknight had to get up early to go to work and/or take care of their family responsibilities the next day."
So, Fellows and Hadden are suing Madonna, promotor Live Nation, and the venue, the Barclays Center for "false advertising, negligent misrepresentation, and unfair and deceptive trade practices."
"Defendents failed to provide any notice to the ticketholders that the concerts would start much later than the start time printed on the ticket and as advertised, which resulted in the ticketholders waiting for hours," the document continues.

Fans Share Their Annoyances On Social Media
The American singer-songwriter’s fans took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to have their voices heard back when the Celebration Tour was in London. “Madonna please start a bit earlier for your next two @TheO2 shows! Cutting the end of your show is short changing your loyal fans! We all know you’re a rule breaker, so if you run over break the rules and pay the fine! #MadonnaCelebrationTour,” one fan tweeted.
Many fans even flew in from America and other countries to see her, and were left extremely disappointed with Madonna’s lack of timeliness.
Another claimed it’s not even worth it: “She’s my kween but #MadonnaCelebrationTour was not worth the £££. Too much concept, too few bangers + unforgivable—from someone who claims she hasn’t forgotten her roots—to start so late people were leaving in droves before the end because of y’know final tubes/early starts.”
As much as the ‘Madonna Wannabes,’ as many fans lovingly refer to themselves as, want to live that careless rock’n’roll lifestyle like their idol, many of them have kids at home and work the next day, and simply can’t afford to be out later than the concert was specified to end.