As maid of honor, one of your duties to your beloved bride is planning, and typically hosting, her wedding shower. The stakes are high and the pressure's on, so give your bestie the best bridal shower she could every ask for by remembering to do these 5 important tasks. You'll instantly get MOH brownie points.
[Photos: Shutterstock]
Saving the bows and ribbon. Many brides get resourceful and turn their pretty leftover gift wrappings into a makeshift bouquet for the rehearsal. It's your job to collect these and start forming the "bow-quet." Grab a styrofoam or paper plate, cut a hole in the middle, and start threading any ribbon and bows from previously opened gifts through it. Don't let any get thrown away!
Keeping track of gifts. While your bride opens her assortment of shower gifts, you're her go-to woman for recording who gave her what. This is essential for when she writes her thank-yous. She shouldn't have to struggle to remember whether her grandmother or Aunt Susan gave her a crockpot, so take diligent notes during the gift opening.
Giving a toast or speech. While you're simultaneously struggling to formulate an epic speech for the actual wedding, you also have to plan a bridal shower speech or toast. This is way less serious than the actual speech you'll give at the reception, but is still important nontheless. Even if you're not the world's best public speaker, it would mean the world to your bride if you said a few words at her shower. This can set the tone for what guests can expect in your speech, so keep it fun and voicey.
Accepting help. Just because you've been designated as the MOH doesn't mean you have to do everything by yourself. We know you want everything to run smoothly and according to plan, but that can still happen if you delegate tasks and take a load off your back. You're more likely to forget important details if you bear all of the responsbility during the shower. You have a whole team of bridesmaids, so use them to your advantage.
Keeping it PG. You might have a ton of fun games planned for your bride and her friends to enjoy at the shower, but keep in mind that her relatives will also most likely be in attendance. Save any risqué games for the bachelorette party to avoid making grandma feel uncomfy.