The One Natural Ingredient You Should Be Using For Your Hair, Skin & Nails: Matcha

February 20, 2018 by Jessica Harrington


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The natural substance is actually packed with health benefits for your body, including your skin, nails and hair.

Here are just a few reasons why matcha is so great:

–It burns calories

–Boosts your metabolism

–Has detoxifying properties

–Aids concentration

–Prevents disease

–Lowers blood sugar

–Has calming properties

1) What is matcha, exactly?

Matcha comes from Japanese culture and is considered the highest quality of green tea. It is made from powdered green tea leaves and often dissolved in hot water to make tea or used as a flavoring.

2) What makes matcha so beneficial?

"Matcha is a powerful antioxidant. One glass of matcha has been said to be the equivalent of 10 cups of green tea," explained Dr. Yagoda.

3) What can matcha do for your skin? 

"Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals from sun and from pollution and have been linked to reducing risks of certain cancers. However, medical studies show that the amount of antioxidants needed to reduce cancer risk may be too high for humans to consume on a regular basis without increasing other risks (like gastroesophageal reflux, for example)."

4) What is the best way to incorporate matcha into your diet?

"Antioxidants applied to the skin, can significantly reduce the risk of development of future skin cancers from current environmental exposure. Ingested antioxidants are most bioavailable when consumed in a powder form (as opposed to pills or tablets) because they bypass problems with absorption that--- according to the Centers for Disease Control --- are present in 33+% of the adult population."

5) Are there any topical antioxidants that can aid healtier skin, nails, and hair growth?

"Topical antioxidants alone are not enough for youthful, glowing skin; lustrous, voluminous hair; and long, strong nails. Results are best seen with the addition of a dietary beauty supplement, like BeautyScoop, with peptides, lipids, collagen, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and biotin, that is patented and clinically proven to improve dry, wrinkled skin; dull, thinning hair; and, brittle, splitting nails in as little as three weeks!"

Here are a couple of antioxidant-rich products you can purchase immediately:

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