Melinda Gates Opens Up About Bill Gates Divorce In New 'Elle' Interview
The divorce followed numerous allegations of Bill's affairs, with Melinda telling Elle: "Look, divorces are painful, and it's not something I would wish on any family."
However, she doesn't want the public to feel sorry for her. According to the interview, she wants to be seen as "just thriving." When asked how she hopes people will view her in five years, she confidently responded: "She's thriving on the other side of a divorce."
Bill Gates Says His Divorce Is 'At The Top Of The List' Of Failures In His Life
Since their split, both Melinda and Bill have seemingly moved on. The women's rights activist went public with entrepreneur Philip Vaughn in October 2024, while the 69-year-old Microsoft co-founder has been dating Paula Hurd, the widow of former Oracle CEO Mark Hurd, for over two years.
However, despite finding happiness with new partners, Bill Gates admitted earlier this year that the end of his marriage remains one of his biggest regrets, saying it's "at the top of the list" of his "failures."
"There are others but none that matter," the computer programmer and entrepreneur said in a January 25th interview with The Times, adding: "The divorce thing was miserable for me and Melinda for at least two years." While he acknowledged that he feels "more cheerful" these days, he confessed that divorcing Melinda is still "the mistake I regret the most."