Miley Cyrus Looks So Different Now—A Plastic Surgeon Weighs In

September 16, 2023 by Maria Pierides

Splash News/Morgan Maloney for SheFinds

Miley Cyrus has changed *lot* since first bursting onto the scene as Hannah Montana way back in 2006 – and we’re not just talking about her various hairstyles and hair colors!

While the 30-year-old singer and actress has gone through a lot of changes over the years, her fans have spotted both subtle *and* major changes in her appearance in recent times, but weren’t quite able to pinpoint what the changes were. Enter Dr. Gary Linkov and pro makeup artist and YouTuber Stephanie Lange, who spoke about what possible plastic surgery procedures she may have had on her face in a very detailed YouTube video.

What Facial Plastic Surgery Could Miley Cyrus Have Had?

The video starts by pointing out that Miley was a doppelganger for her father, Billy Ray Cyrus when she was younger, but she now looks like a clone of her mother, Tish Cyrus. Is this the work of genes, or could the ladies have gone to the same plastic surgeon to achieve the same look? No one can say for sure…

One of the biggest changes to Miley’s appearance, which was discussed at the end of the video, was her smile. The “Flowers” hitmaker previously had a very gummy smile, but it’s now very different, which Lange suspects could be down to her having “Botox in her philtrum,” which relaxes the lip for a more balanced smile. Linkov weighed in, saying: “That’s not something that you get once. That’s something you need to keep repeating every three to four months to maintain that effect, because Botox doesn’t last longer than that. There is a new neuromodulator called Daxxify that’s supposed to last longer, like six months.” We love hearing what plastic surgery experts have to say!

Miley's Eyes Are A Different Shape

Miley's eyes are a very noticeably different shape and size, with the biggest change being that they used to be hooded, but now they are not. "You can see that the brows have been lifted," Linkov said, before saying that it's likely that an upper blepharoplasty was performed. Lange, on the other hand, doesn’t think that the "Angels Like You" singer has had eyelid surgery, and instead thinks that she has simply lost puppy fat. She also compared pictures of Miley to pictures of her mom, who also seems to have the same shape eyes, which therefore led her to believe that it could all be genetic.

The video goes on to ponder whether the "Party in the U.S.A." singer has had the increasingly-popular but forever-controversial buccal fat removal surgery, as the difference in her cheeks is hard to ignore. "It definitely looks like the mid cheek area has been hollowed out," Linkov said, while Lange thought that Miley's face looked better in previous years, adding: "Miley always had a lovely full cherubic angelic face and it suited her."

Has Miley Cyrus Had Lip Filler?

Moving onto the lips, which Lange addressed after talking about the buccal fat. "I don’t think she's had lip filler done," she said. "If you look at really old pictures of Miley, she always had full plump lips and her lips pretty much look the same now." However, Linkov didn't quite agree, saying he could spot some signs of "migration of filler" in some pictures of the "Midnight Sky" singer. "You could see that type of shadowing there," he said, while analyzing a picture. "That is typically what we see when filler has been placed."

Is Miley's Nose 'Too Thin' After Alleged Surgery? 

Finally, the pair discussed Miley's nose, as Lange stated that she believed Miley had a nose job very early into her career, as her original nose was "quite bulbous." Having said that, she said that she thought the surgeons made Miley's nose "too thin" as having a thicker bridge seemed to suit her more.

"I definitely see what Stephanie is referring to here," Linkov says. "It looks like the bridge of the nose has narrowed, as has the tip as well. It still has some semblance of her old nose but it definitely looks smaller." He added: "The way that the bridge has narrowed in a case like Miley's is through osteotomies, where the bones of the nose are actually broken to allow them to come together for that bridge to look thinner." Yikes!

Fan Comments

There were a lot of comments on the YouTube video, as expected, and many fans agreed that Miley's changed appearance was "sad." "I also feel like I've had the ah ha moment watching this as Miley does look different to me. Although I'm left with this feeling of sadness to the young girl going through all these procedures, not only because she felt she needed them but also they seem painful," said one fan. Another fan echoed this, adding, "It is unreal what some of these celebrities put themselves through. I find it sad. It’s not worth it." Another said: "I'm aware that Miley is human just like any of us, but it makes me kinda sad to think she has changed the original shape of her face."

Others were a little harsher. "I think whatever has happened to Mileys face the last 12 months is an actual crime," criticized one fan, while someone else hoped that she wouldn’t take things even further, writing: "I love Miley's personality and character aside from her pretty face and never-ending legs. I hope she will not submit to endless facial surgeries to the point where she could look overly done like a troll."

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