The One Mistake You Make Every Time You Order Dessert At McDonald’s, According To An Employee

December 2, 2017 by Lisa Cupido

The only thing better than treating yourself to a McDonald's meal is treating yourself to a McDonald's dessert after the meal. But there is one common mistake most people make when they order dessert at McDonald's — and we got a tip from one employee that will help you make better choices the next time your sweet tooth is calling out to you. 

Photos: Shutterstock 

Not All McDonald's Desserts Are Created Equal

McDonald's offers a wide selection of desserts that range from chocolate chip cookies to hot fudge sundaes, vanilla shakes, and apple pies. But all desserts are not created equal, according to one McDonald's employee who works at a franchise in New Jersey. 

"Most of the time our baked desserts are really fresh and you can tell how fresh they are because items like chocolate chip cookies taste like they just came out of the oven," the employee says. "But at a place like our franchise here in New Jersey, the ice-cream maker barely sees the light of day for months out of the year. No one is ordering ice cream when it's really cold outside. For that reason, I wouldn't suggest ordering frozen desserts at most McDonald's, especially if you live in a cold place. You just never know how often they clean out the machine." 

Keep In Mind: All Franchises Are Different

When you're standing in line at your local McDonald's, trying to decide which dessert to order, keep in mind: all franchises are different. 

"If you live in Florida, where more people are ordering ice cream at McDonald's, then by all means, don't think twice about frozen desserts," Chris says. "We're all held to the same high standard when it comes to cleanliness and food quality, but that doesn't mean all franchises are the same." 

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