One of the telltale signs that you should get a mole checked out is a change in appearance or new development, explains Garshick. However, there is a simple breakdown of specific things to look for which may make it more apparent if your mole raises any cause for alarm. “You can look for what are known as the ABCDE’s. The A refers to asymmetry, the B refers to border irregularity, the C refers to multiple colors in one spot, the D refers to diameter greater than 6 mm which is about the size of a pencil eraser and E, which refers to anything that is evolving or changing in size, shape or color. It is important to remember that these are a guide, and even spots that are small or just one color can be a problem as well,” she says.
This may already sound like a lot to consider, but checking to see if there is any irregular bleeding from your moles is another important factor in preserving the safety of your skin. Dr. Garshick warns that if one of your moles looks significantly different than the rest, this is also something to be aware of and may be worth looking into, although it may be nothing in the end.
“It is important to remember that moles can be present anywhere from head to toe including on the scalp, in the genital or buttock area, and in between the toes, so it is always a good idea to be mindful of spots in all locations and seek assistance when needed,” she says.
Ultimately, regardless of the appearance of your moles, Dr. Garshick suggests checking with your dermatologist at least once a year for a full skin evaluation just to ensure that there aren’t any spots that you may be missing. Melanoma is a common form of skin cancer which can develop from exposure to the sun but can also appear on any area of the body. It’s important to be vigilant about the health of your skin, keeping an eye on irregularities so that if there does happen to be something wrong, you are able to treat the affected area as quickly as possible, which is where regular check ups come in.
Keeping up with your skin’s health is one of the most important steps of care even beyond your serum and cream routine, and making sure to stay cognizant of sunspots and changing moles is vital for a healthy appearance overall. Being aware of the shape and color, size, and border of your moles will allow you to prioritize not only a clear complexion, but preserve your safety as well, which should be a priority this summer, as well as the rest of the year. It can be easy to let your wellbeing slip to the wayside in favor of aesthetics, but staying aware of your body will allow you to live a long and healthy life without any of your moles getting in the way.