Metabolism, the intricate process by which our bodies convert food into energy, is a key player in maintaining overall health and managing weight. However, factors such as lifestyle, diet, and stress can impact metabolism, potentially leading to what is often referred to as a “damaged metabolism.” One common sign of metabolic imbalance is a lack of morning hunger. If you find yourself not feeling hungry in the morning, it could indicate a slowed metabolism.
TikTok user @bymariavillaman, who specializes in holistic hormone health and boasts 52K followers on the app, revealed how a lack of hunger in the morning could mean that “there’s something going on with your metabolism.” They key might be to start eating more regularly she says.
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She first reveals that the perception that people are just born with a fast metabolism is not entirely true and that there are things you could do to boost up your metabolism; as she says “that’s not how it works.”
“Your metabolism is the process in which your body uses fuel, aka food, to create energy. Every process in the body that requires energy is ruled by the metabolism.” She adds that if you experience things such as poor digestion, dry skin, hair loss, unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight even if you’ve been keeping your calories low, chronic fatigue, and brain fog, then you might have a “low metabolism.”
She explains that your thyroid gland is essentially the “master” of your metabolism. “When your thyroid is overworked and therefore has low function, your adrenals step in to pick up the slack. Your adrenals pump out your stress hormones, namely adrenilane and cortisol.”
Tying this back into your diet, when individual think you must eat less and keep your calories as low as possible, your body pretty much goes into starvation mode and sees this feeling as a threat. “Your body will send in all these stress hormones to protect you from this perceived threat. Your cortisol levels naturally rise in the morning, when your body is overloaded with stress hormones, that may feel like a lack of appetite because your body doesn’t need fuel, it’s already running on the fuel that it’s creating from the stress hormones.” Who would’ve thought!
She further surprises everyone and says although we may think we must eat less to lose weight, we should be doing the opposite to restore our metabolic function. “Because your cortisol levels are the highest in the morning, not eating causes those levels to remain elevated throughout the day. Over time this will cause you to hold on to weight, especially that visceral fat that accumulates around your vital organs.”
She advises on how to combat this and says: “Instead you can start with breakfast within 60-90 minutes of waking, and continue eating meals at regular intervals throughout the day. For optimal thyroid health and metabolic function, you’d want to wait for 3-4 hours in between each meal.” As enough time passes by, this will decrease your stress levels, increase energy levels, and most importantly, it will improve your appetite. “This is a sign that your metabolism is really firing up.”
Of course, each individual’s needs are different, so it’s important to talk to a health professional before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle.