Have your hair, skin, and nails been on the drier side recently? It may be because your stripping them away of their natural oils! This happens usually by surrounding yourself in constant conditions that can suck the oils out of them, such as being at the beach with salt water everywhere.
Well, you don't have to stick to dry and brittle hair, skin and nail forever! Just try out some of these oils that are essential to hydrate these areas and make them stronger than ever.
[Photos: Shutterstock]
Dr. Josh Axe recommends using chamomile oil for your hair! It add shine and softness to your locks while soothing your scalp, preventing dandruff and dryness. Bonus: it can also be used to naturally lighten hair!
For your skin, dermatologist Dr. Cynthia Bailey suggests using coconut oil. "Rich and deeply moisturizing ingredients are necessary to heal dry or damaged skin," she said. Coconut oil will do just the trick, since it's extremely dense, and is also antibacterial and antifungal, which will kill off any acne-causing bacteria on your face!
To get longer and stronger nails, you should be using olive oil! It help prevent and repair any damage caused to the nail and cuticle by penetrating into the skin and nail. This creates a more growth-friendly environment for your nails, so use it daily for the best results!
If you're looking for an oil that combats everything, tea tree oil is definitely the best choice! According to Dr. Axe, this oil helps fight acne breakouts, as well as hydrates dry cuticles and removes dandruff. This is the miracle oil you need in your beauty belt, A.S.A.P!