Although the aging of skin and the body is unavoidable, certain fermented foods and drinks, in addition to water, can assist in decelerating this process, according to specialists. Robert Love, a neuroscientist and well-known TikTok influencer, focuses his knowledge on preventing Alzheimer’s through a mix of scientific research and practical diet advice. In a recent TikTok video, he explored the benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar daily for achieving healthier, more glowing skin and overall vitality.
When it comes to fermented apple cider vinegar, Love says that “just two tablespoons a day can slow down aging and even help burn fat.” In his insightful TikTok video, Love adds: “now, what am I talking about that can slow down aging and help burn fat? It is apple cider vinegar, specifically apple cider vinegar ‘with the mother.'”
He then pointed to a bottle from Costco, pointing at its label, that read: “with the mother.” Love continued: “so what is apple cider vinegar? Apple cider vinegar is approximately 6% acetic acid, and the research on apple cider vinegar is very impressive.” The neuroscientist then referenced a study where experts “brought people into the laboratory” and conducted “blood draws on them while they were eating.”
@robertwblove Just Two Tablespoons A Day Can Slow Down Aging. #aging #antiaging #longevity #robertlove #robertwblove ♬ original sound – Robert Love
A Neuroscientist Shares 3 Reasons Why Sipping Apple Cider Vinegar Is Essential For Anti-Aging Health
Those who “took two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar immediately before eating had a lower glucose spike,” he noted. “So people ate a high glucose meal, like with white bread, and those in the control group, given a placebo, their glucose spike was pretty high,” he continued. Love went on to say that for “those who took apple cider vinegar, the real stuff, before eating their white bread, their glucose spike was lower.”
What was ultimately “found in this study,” Love added, was that “acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar actually facilitated uptake of glucose by the muscles, so apple cider vinegar before a meal helps signal your muscles to suck up glucose out of the blood during the meals.” This, he emphasized, “helps lower post meal glucose.” Love then provided three more explanations for why apple cider vinegar is a fantastic companion in your pursuit of youthful skin and lasting energy.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Helps Reduce the Risk Of Insulin Resistance In Type 2 Diabetes
Apple cider vinegar "helps reduce the risk of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes," Love said, and "that's extremely important for brain health and for overall health. Alzheimer's disease is greatly increased in risk if you have diabetes, so please try to avoid diabetes if you want to help prevent Alzheimer's disease," he advised.
By lowering the glucose spike, "this helps lower inflammation," Love said, "High glucose spikes increase inflammation, and inflammation is one of the primary risk factors of aging and of Alzheimer's disease," he added.

2. This Fermented Drink Helps Lower Inflammation
The TikToker went on to say that if you want to "look young and feel young and have a great, healthy mind, you want to minimize those glucose spikes, and apple cider vinegar is a way to do it." Love also shared that apple cider can "help you lose weight," but noting drastic, like "10 pounds a month."
Apple cider vinegar "in combination with a healthy diet and exercise program can help with weight loss," he explained. "It helps reduce appetite. Taking a 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a little water before a meal can help reduce your appetite and that can help lose weight," he said. Love also pointed out that apple cider vinegar is "really good for your gut bacteria, and this facilitates overall health, and that can make it much easier to lose weight."

3. It Promotes More Energy And Encourages Muscles To Use Glucose
Lastly, Love said that apple cider vinegar "encourages your muscles to use energy and suck up energy," and helps them "use glucose." He concludes that taking spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar "before meals can help increase energy usage by your muscles." The more you know!