10 Reasons Why You Should Never Drink Mountain Dew, Like, Ever

December 21, 2017 by SheFinds Health

Mountain Dew may make for a delicious and refreshing drink, but the popular soft drink actually does more harm to your body than it does good. In fact, health experts say that Mountain Dew can cause a variety of illnesses and ailments, especially for those who enjoy the drink daily. Here's why you should officially stop drinking Mountain Dew: 

[Photos: Shutterstock]

1. It can cause tooth decay

Love your pearly whites? Well, drinking Mountain Dew will make them rot! There's even a condition call Mountain Dew Mouth, which refers to the severe erosion of enamel. 

2. It can cause hormone and fertility distruption 

The popular soft drink can mess with your hormones, all thanks to the BPA lining used to keep the acid from eroding the metal can. It's been linked to infertility, increased miscarriage, polycystic ovary and reproductive cancers.  

3. Not to mention it can cause weight gain, too! 

The BPA toxin in Mountain Dew can also cause obesity, too! So, put down the MD if you're looking to lose weight. 

4. Mountain Dew has been linked to blood sugar problems

All of the sugar in Mountain Dew can cause a slew of health problems, including heart disease, blood sugar issues and diabetes! 

5. It can even cause memory loss! 

A study done by the Journal of Toxicology found that drinking 2 – 4 liters of bromine-containing soda had been linked to memory loss. The participant was not being able to walk and required dialysis by the end of the study. 

6. Drinking Mountain Dew can also cause skin lesions

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is used in Mountain Dew and it can lead to skin lesions if overconsumed. Doctors from the New England Journal of Medicine determined that bromine intoxication can cause ulcers and nasty other skin lesions. 

7. It can make your thyroid burn out

Bromine also wrecks your thyroid by competing with the iodine needed to make thyroid hormones. 

8. BVO is also found in what?! 

The BVO used to make Mountain Dew can also be found in flame retardants! Why would you want to put that into your body?! 

9. There are GMO ingredients in there, too!

Mountain Dew also contains soybean and corn oil, which are used to make BVO, as well as genetically modified high fructose corn syrup. In fact, it has more high fructose syrup than most sodas! 

10. The artificial dyes aren't great for you either 

Mountain Dew gets its signature taste and color from Yellow 5 dye, which can cause the zinc levels in your body to drop drastically. Why is zinc so important? It's "required by hundreds of your body’s enzymes involved with the metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, fat and alcohol," according to Feingold.org. And, it's also "critical for wound healing, sense of taste and smell, immune system function, bone strength, thyroid function, blood clotting, cognitive functions, prenatal development, and sperm production. Even a mild deficiency can produce a wide range of physical and mental problems."

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