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Doritos always make for a delicious snack, especially when you're on the go. But the classic nacho cheese chips aren't the best choice for those who are watching their weight. In fact, health experts say that the popular snack should be avoided at all costs as it's made with unhealthy ingredients, preservatives and additives. Plus, they could lead to some pretty serious illnesses later on...
[Photos: Shutterstock]

1. They're made with genetically modified corn
The first ingredient on Doritos list is corn, but it's actually genetically modified corn. GMOs have been linked to increase allergies and inflammation in the U.S., as well as disorders affecting the digestive and reproductive systems.
2. That's not all you'll find in there...
In fact, most of Doritos' delicious flavor comes from Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG), salt, and sugar, a "trifecta" that can cause harm to your body if overconsumed.
3. The dyes aren't good for you either!
Ever wonder how Doritos get their classic orange shade? Well, it's from a slew of hydrogenated oils and dyes including Yellow dye 5, Yellow dye 6, and Red dye 40, which can each be harmful to your body.

4. They can make you gain weight
All of these GMOs and additives can easily cause weight gain. So, you need to make sure that you're eating Doritos in moderation to avoid packing on the pounds.
5. The chips have a high sodium content, too!
One serving of Nacho Cheese Doritos (11 chips) can have 210 mg of sodium. And, that's only if you eat the recommended serving size. This snack is an easy way to overconsume your daily sodium, fat and calorie intake. So you better be mindful of the serving sizes!
6. They can cause inflammation
The unhealthy ingredients in Doritos can have a negative effect on your body over time, starting with inflammation. This can then cause diseases and ailments like diabetes, migraines, mental illness, Celiac disease, asthma and arthritis.

7. The dyes aren't good for your kids
Long-term side effects of eating Red dye 40 can include immune disorders, A.D.D. and A.D.H.D., especially in children. Since Doritos are a popular snack choice for youngsters, you should try to switch it for something healthier.
8. They're fried in unhealthy ingredients
Doritos are fried in vegetable oils that have been commericially processed and can lead to an increase of free radicals in the body. They're also genetically modified and loaded with trans fats, which can cause inflammation, compromised immunity, increased circulation of bad estrogen, and a lack of nutrients.
9. Doritos can cause cancer?!
The GMOs used to make Doritos are considered to be a carcinogen that has been linked to breast cancer, autism, gluten allergies, diabetes, and inflammation. Yikes!