
Why You Should Never, Ever Order Eggs At Fast Food Restaurants

November 16, 2017 by SheFinds Health
shefinds | Food

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Eggs make up a very essential part of most breakfasts. They're loaded with protein and help to keep you full and focused all day. But, this can't be said for the eggs that you get in your fast food breakfasts. Health experts have found that the eggs used at our favorite fast food chains contain preservatives and are made with some pretty unhealthy ingredients.

[Photos: Shutterstock]

eggs never order fast food

The unhealthiest eggs can be found at Subway, McDonald's and Chick-fil-A, according to Forbes. Unlike that wholesome egg that you use when making breakfast at home, these chains use a mixture of preservatives and unhealthy oils to maintain their eggs' signature texture, color, and flavor. Trust us, some of the ingredients are very alarming... 

subway eggs never order

According to Forbes, Subway uses propylene glycol in their eggs, which is a solvent for food colors and flavorings. This is also used in anti-freeze, to lubricate air-conditioner compressors, and in deodorant sticks. You can also find glycerin in them, which is a solvent that is also found in soap, moisturizers, and shaving cream. Not to mention, there's the popular antacid calcium silicate in there as well, which is used to prevent the eggs from caking. This is also used as a sealant for roads, roofs, and concrete...

[Photo: Instagram]

mcdonalds eggs never order

For the eggs at McDonald's, you can expect to find the preservative potassium sorbate. This is also used in several personal care products as a replacement for parabens, which has been linked to a lot of health problems. But, this is only the case for the chain's folded and scrambled eggs, according to CNBC

As for Chick-fil-A's eggs, they feature the preservative tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). This is used to preserve vegetable oils against oxidation, and can also be found in several varnishes, lacquers, and perfumes, according to Forbes. The eggs are also cooked using palm kernel oil, which is 50% saturated fat and definitely not good for your waistline. 

[Photos: Instagram]

never order eggs fast food

Whoa, who knew that this is what goes into making our fast food breakfasts? We'll definitely be more mindful of the choices we make for breakfast, and you can bet that we'll be having more breakfasts at home from now on! 

Were you surprised to find out that these were the ingredients used to make eggs at fast food restaurants? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! 


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