There’s A New Girl Scout Cookie Coming Sooner Than You Think–What’s ‘Raspberry Rally?’

January 19, 2023 by Marissa Matozzo


It’s finally that time of year when we can stack up on Samoas, Tagalongs and support our local Girl Scouts! With cookie season in full swing, a brand new treat will soon be offered by a troop near you.

Here’s what we know about Raspberry Rally, the brand new offering and “sister cookie” to beloved Thin Mints:

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Girl Scouts Introduce New 2023 Raspberry Rally Cookie

According to a recent press release, the new Raspberry Rally cookie will feature the same chocolatey coating as your favorite Thin Mints, but rather than a minty inside filling, it will include raspberry flavoring.

Boxes of the Raspberry Rally will be the first in the Girl Scout Cookie lineup to be “exclusively offered for purchase online, something the organization says will allow members to focus on e-commerce skills,” as People reports.

“What makes Girl Scout Cookies even sweeter? Behind every box is a girl learning important skills to power her leadership journey and unlock a world of opportunities,” GSUSA’s Chief Revenue Officer Wendy Lou said in a statement.

“Financial literacy is not only a critical skill required for entrepreneurship, but an essential life skill.”

Now through April, you can buy the new Raspberry Rally cookies, Thin Mints, Samoas (or Caramel deLites), Tagalongs (or Peanut Butter Patties) and Adventurefuls (introduced in 2022), and more!

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