The Unexpected Ingredient You Should NEVER Add To Your Coffee, According To Doctors (It’s Not Sugar!)

June 23, 2021 by Robyn Turk

If you’ve been adding non-dairy creamer to your coffee, you’re going to want to find an alternative creamer as soon as possible. Many people consider this type of creamer to be better for you than an actual dairy creamer because, but this is just a very common misconception.

In reality, these creamers are loaded with trans fats and calories!

“Coffee creamer also comes with a lot of bells and whistles that you may not want,” registered dietitian Kimberly Rose-Francis told HuffPost. “It can easily pack on extra calories and fat that may not be ideal for some people.”

Non-dairy creamers achieve the same consistency as dairy because they’re made with hydrogenated oils and artificial sweeteners. This can quickly become very calorie-heavy and high in fats.

It’s best to avoid using non-dairy creamers altogether. Even using a small amount can be harmful to your health.

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