The last thing anyone with an Android needs in their life is a phone with a battery that continually dies. Searching up and down for a charger at all times of the day is no one’s idea of a good use of time. There are plenty of great tips out there on how to prolong the life of your Android battery, and we will mention a few in a bit. But it can feel like you’re running in circles if you regularly use apps that are known for depleting battery power at a faster rate.
When it comes to the one app that is repeatedly mentioned in the same breath as “battery drainage,” you may not be shocked to learn it’s both Facebook and Facebook Messenger. Here are more details on why this app is a ruiner of battery power.

Background Activity
These apps run processes in the background, so even when you aren’t using your phone, they can be the cause of much battery loss. They run background processes in order to sync your data, including messages, notifications, new posts, and more. Both of the apps also send push notifications to send you alerts about what your friends have posted and to alert you to direct messages. Both apps often use location services to tag your posts, and this takes up a lot of battery power.
Resource-heavy apps, like Facebook and Facebook Messenger, use more processing power to load images and videos and provide interactive features such as stories. These apps also use up significant amounts of RAM and this increases the more often you use the apps.

How to Reduce Battery Drain
The ultimate way of reducing battery drainage is to delete Facebook and Facebook Messenger. Since most people won’t be eager to do that, alternative things you can do include limiting background activity by going to Settings > Apps > Facebook > Battery and disabling background activity. You can turn off push notifications at Settings > Notifications. And you can disable Location Services, which is also wise for your privacy, by heading to Settings > Apps > Facebook/Messenger > Permissions > Location.