The One Food You Should Always Have First Thing In The Morning, According To A Nutritionist

January 29, 2020 by SheFinds Health


They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and when you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight, that couldn’t be more true. Eating breakfast early in the morning can help regulate your metabolism throughout the day, meaning you’ll digest every meal faster and feel energized for longer.

What you eat for breakfast is important, too. While it isn’t the worst mistake in the world to eat processed carbs and refined sugars in the morning, you should try to use breakfast as a way to set the tone for the rest of the day by starting with a healthy meal. The best breakfast is one that incorporates many different food groups into one meal, but there is one particular thing you should eat in the morning because it is so good for you.

Greek yogurt is one of the best breakfast foods you can have. It is rich in protein, calcium, potassium and iron, which make you feel fuller while eating less calories. In fact, Greek yogurt is actually quite low in fat, carbs, sugar and calories, which makes it that much better for your first meal of the day.

Another important benefit of Greek yogurt is that it is high in probiotics, which are healthy bacteria that provide many benefits to your gut. Probiotics help regulate your gut and digestion, resulting in a more streamlined metabolism with less stomach issues.

Some studies have even shown that the high calcium content in Greek yogurt can help your body to take in less fat from other meals you eat later on. One particular study found that participants who ate 500 less calories plus an additional three yogurts each day lost 81% more belly fat than those who didn’t include the yogurt in their diets.

Greek yogurt has a rather plain taste, but there are many different ways you can spruce it up for a better flavor. Just keep in mind to avoid adding anything with a lot of sugars, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. One of our favorite ways to eat Greek yogurt is mixed together with some honey.

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