Doctors Say You Should Add These Proteins To Your Plate Over 40 For To Lose Abdominal Fat

April 23, 2023 by Georgia Dodd


Losing weight and getting rid of excess belly fat can be a long and strenuous process before you can actually see results. But, a great way to start for long-term, sustainable weight loss is consuming a diet that keeps you full and satisfied, while also helping you shed some extra pounds. Specifically, including more protein in your diet can foster abdominal weight loss. When combined with exercise, a diet rich in protein helps keeps you full and builds more lean muscle which can help you burn more calories throughout the day.

To learn more about the best proteins you should add to your plate to lose abdominal fat, we spoke with Lainey Younkin, a registered dietitian and founder of Lainey Younkin Nutrition, Heather Hanks, a nutritionist at Medical Solutions Barcelona, Jennifer Pallian, a registered dietitian, food scientist, and recipe developer, and Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and creator of The Candida Diet. They agree that the best proteins to eat to help reduce visceral fat are salmon and tofu. This is because they’re both high in protein, but low in fat. Read on to learn more about the benefits of these proteins for weight loss!

READ MORE: Weight Loss Experts Tell Us How Much Protein To Eat Every Day For The Best Results

1. Salmon

Lean proteins are especially good for anyone who wants to lose visceral fat. This is because lean proteins like salmon are low in fat and can significantly reduce the number of calories for faster weight loss. "Chicken and salmon are great high-protein options for dinner. One 3-ounce serving of chicken has 25 grams of protein with very little fat and no carbohydrates," Younkin says. "A 4-ounce portion of salmon has 23 grams of protein and also comes with heart-healthy omega-3 fats that help reduce inflammation." For an even healthier meal, she says, you can "add half a plate of non-starchy vegetables, like broccoli, and a whole grain like farro."

Plus, incorporating salmon into your diet can boost your metabolism. Hanks explains that salmon is "an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D." The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can help "reduce inflammation, regulate immune health, and support digestion," all of which can aid you in your weight loss journey. These fatty acids also help boost hair thickness and strengthen nails.

As for how often you should eat this fish, Hanks recommends having salmon every week and combining it with some other high-protein vegetables. "Try a salmon salad with low-carb veggies for lunch to promote satiety, increase energy levels, and improve digestion," she says. Hanks also points out that "salmon also goes well with veggies at night or an [omelet] in the morning."

2. Tofu

And, meat isn't the only food that's high in protein. There are plenty of vegetarian, plant-based proteins you can eat to burn belly fat. Pallian recommends tofu to lose visceral fat. Tofu, she says, is condensed soy milk that is pressed and usually shaped into solid white blocks that come in varying levels of softness—silken, soft, firm, extra firm, or super firm. Pallian also suggests eating another soy-based protein, tempeh.

"Soy products like tofu and tempeh are excellent plant-based protein sources that may help prevent belly-fat gain after menopause. A study of [15] postmenopausal women found that those who drank a soy-based shake every day for three months tended to gain less abdominal fat than those who did not," Pallian explains. Tofu is delicious, versatile, great for your overall health, and helps with weight loss.

One of the best things about tofu is the fact that it's packed with the nutrients your body needs to thrive—and shed pounds. "It is high in protein, containing about 10 grams of protein per 100 grams of tofu, and is also low in calories and fat," Richards says. "Tofu is also a good source of iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients, making it a healthy addition to any diet." Plus, she adds, you're helping the environment when you choose tofu over other meat-based proteins. Richards notes that tofu is "a more sustainable option than meat, as it requires fewer resources to produce." So, next time you're stocking up at the grocery store, throw a pack of tofu into your cart!

The Bottom Line

Of course, burning body fat and building muscle will take more than eating high-protein foods. It's important to exercise consistently, drink enough water, and get ample sleep if you want to lose sustainable weight. But, adding high-protein foods like salmon and tofu can also play a major role in reducing abdominal fat!

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