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We're not saying Kim Kardashian had plastic surgery over the years--however, we're not saying she hasn't. But what we will say is that her look has changed over the past 10 years. Maybe it's the lighting, maybe it's the angle, heck, maybe it's Maybelline. Take a look through the slideshow to draw your own conclusions. [Photo: Splash News]
This is Kim when she first became famous for her uh, bedroom skills, in 2006.

And another shot from 2006, where she looks just a little different.

Look at the baby hair Kim had in 2006!

Maybe it's the camera angle in this 2007 pic that makes her look different from the others.

Here she is on the scene in 2007...Her nose looks just a tiny bit different.

Could she have jumped on the contouring train before the rest of the world to make her nose narrower in this 2007 photo?

She had some serious blunt bangs in '07.

Her eyes definitely look bigger and brighter in this 2007 photo.

But here's a no makeup pic just so we can compare without all the enhancements.

She totally nailed this Wonder Woman look in '08.

Kim's lips look really, really full in this 2008 photo.

And her cheekbones look more defined in this 2008 pic.

And in this 2009 pic, she looks a little bit more like her mom.

She tried to make the side chignon happen in '09. Don't think that one ever caught on.

Then later in 2009, her hair color changed and her lips weren't as swollen.

But now she looks completely natural in this photo from 2009.

In 2009, her eyes seemed a little smaller and more sultry.

More lip plumpers in 2010 maybe?

Do bigger, fuller falsies make your eyes squint and slant more?

The blunt bangs came back!

Is it just us or do we never seem Kim's teeth when she smiles?

She looks almost like her sister Kourtney in this 2010 pic.

But wait, she's back to looking like Kim in this 2011 pic.

The hair, makeup, glowing skin and even the dress, this photo is classic Kim K.

And now her face looks really narrow. Must be the makeup.

Gosh, now she's back to looking like Kris Jenner. What is going on here? And this is still 2011 folks.

Whoa--Kim's makeup is so good here, she looks like a wax statue!

But the Kim we all knew came back in 2012.

Then she changed it up again with these bangs in the same year.

Omg, doesn't she look a little Khloe-esque here?? It's something about her lips and hair.

Her hair is slightly lighter here.

And here she is with the bangs and makeup...looking totally different in 2013.

Oh Kris Jenner had bangs in 2013, nope that's Kim K.

She copied Kourt's blunt bangs and top bun look here.

Guess she got sick of the bangs in 2013, so she switched her style up.

The center part and bottom lashes made a special appearance in 2014.

And later that year, she went blonde and really tan.

She kept the blonde for her 30th birthday bash at Tao Las Vegas.

Kim, will you please pick a color and stay there? We're talking about your hair and skin.

This might just be the most natural makeup look we've ever seen on Kimmy.

She went way deep with her part in 2014.

Goodbye middle part and hello deep contours in 2015.

Then a few weeks later, she ushered in this short look with a stiffer face...not that we're suggesting botox or anything.

And everything changed when she went blonde about a month ago. We have no clue what else is in store for us.

She's back to brunette (for now).