
Piers Morgan Comes Under Fire For Saying Kate Middleton 'Looked Pretty Thin' At Recent Public Appearance: 'So Rude!'

June 22, 2024 by Maria Pierides
shefinds | Celebrity

Piers Morgan is famously not a fan of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and seems to have a higher opinion of Prince William and Kate Middleton. (That wouldn’t be hard based on how little he thinks of Prince Harry and Meghan!) However, his recent comments about the Princess of Wales’ appearance at Trooping the Color on Saturday, June 15th, as well as his comments about the cancer she and King Charles have been diagnosed with, were deemed quite disrespectful by royal fans on social media.

The 59-year-old British journalist said on his Piers Morgan Uncensored show that the Princess of Wales, 42, looked “pretty thin” during the King’s Birthday Parade, and also thought it might be a good idea if she and the King tell the public the specific types of cancer they have been diagnosed with. As expected, his comments didn’t go down well…

Piers Morgan Discusses Kate Middleton’s Trooping The Color Appearance

After talking about the health update the Princess of Wales gave her fans the night before her Trooping the Color appearance, the Piers Morgan Life Stories host said: “She’s giving a lot more than we might have expected.”

“I mean look, it was great to see her. I just thought, ‘great she’s back in a carriage looking like a princess.‘ She looked fabulous; but she did look pretty thin,” he continued, adding: “She looked to me like she’d been through a really hellish time probably, and was putting a very brave face on.”

“It was extremely commendable, [but it] can’t be easy to be in her position as a mother first off, as a wife, and then discover that you have to go out on Parade when you’re still having your treatment. It’s not easy.”

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Piers Morgan Thinks King Charles And Kate Middleton Should Reveal The Types Of Cancer They Are Battling

Earlier in the show, Morgan said that he believes both the Princess of Wales and King Charles should have been more specific about their cancers, saying: "They've revealed that both Charles and Kate have cancer and are receiving treatment. On the other level because of all the conspiracy theories that have swirled around about both of them for the last six months or so, would it not just be easier to say these are the cancers they're battling? Why are they reluctant to do that?"

One of his guests, royal editor Sarah Hewson, said: "I think while they're undergoing that treatment they feel very strongly that they're entitled to a degree of medical privacy and that's absolutely right. I do think it's right."

"They both decided they want to be role models to other people and inspire people,; how can you do that if you don't actually say what cancer you've got?" Morgan asked.

Kate Middleton Trooping the Color white Jenny Packham dress

Internet Reactions

"[Piers] they do not have to tell you what type of cancer at all. They didn't even have to tell you they have cancer. She has always been thin," wrote one fan in the comments section on YouTube. "Princess Catherine has no obligation to tell the public her medical details all they need to know is she is ill. My opinion," stated another, as a third said: "The King already stated he had a prostate treatment which is very private. Average people don't have the scrutiny that Catherine deals with."

A fourth chimed in: "How DARE anyone say the King and Princess of Wales should come out and say what cancer they have... they are entitled to personal privacy." "Her body. Her cancer. Her business. Not yours or anyone's else's Piers," wrote another. "'She looks thinner' she looks about the same, she's always been thin... amazing how the masses are fooled," commented another fan.

"How inappropriate to keep requesting the type of cancer or calling Catherine 'gaunt.' Piers you never seem to learn," slammed another. "So rude! Leave HRH Princess Catherine of Wales out of your sight so that she can enjoy her life with her lovely family," begged another fan.


Senior Celebrity Writer

Maria has spent the last decade writing about entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle for online and print publications all around the globe – including InStyle, OK!, and The Mirror. At SheFinds, Maria covers breaking celebrity news, red carpet looks, celebrity transformations, A-list couples, and has a watchful eye on celebrity social media accounts. You can reach her at [email protected]

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