7 Potentially Artery-Clogging Grocery Items That Could Be Hurting Your Cardiovascular Health, According To Experts: Cheese Puffs & More

October 23, 2024 by Faith Geiger


Navigating the grocery aisles can be difficult when you’re trying to live your healthiest life. There are so many tempting items on the shelves—but making healthy choices is crucial if you want to keep your body in the best shape possible. This is especially true when it comes to your heart health. The unfortunate truth is that some of the tastiest foods are the worst for your cardiovascular system, often leading to complications like clogged arteries, high blood pressure, rising cholesterol levels, and, ultimately, a higher risk of heart disease.

Being mindful of the items you’re tossing into your shopping cart is a crucial part of preventing heart issues. To shed some light on a few of the worst options on shelves, we checked in with health experts Mary Sabat, Catherine Gervacio, Lisa Andrews, Susan Schachter, and Lisa Richards. Find all of their expert insight below.

1. Potato Chips

Potato chips are probably one of the first things that pop into your mind when you picture a good old salty snack. Unfortunately, as delicious (and frankly addicting) as this classic food is, it's also very bad for your health. Regularly munching on potato chips can set you up for a number of health issues, and according to Sabat, that includes clogged arteries and a higher risk of heart disease.

"Regular potato chips are typically deep-fried in unhealthy oils, which are high in saturated and trans fats," she says. "These fats can increase cholesterol levels and promote the formation of plaque in the arteries, leading to clogged arteries over time."

Schachter seconds this sentiment, pointing out that this snack is also "loaded with excessive sodium," which can lead to an array of health risks. "The combination of trans fats and high sodium intake can raise LDL cholesterol levels and increase the risk of arterial plaque formation, leading to clogged arteries and cardiovascular diseases," she says. Yikes!

2. Margarine and Vegetable Oils

Although margarine was once seen as a healthy alternative to butter, health experts now say that it may not be all that better for you. In fact, it comes with its fair share of health risks (including weight gain!). According to Sabat, it may even lead to clogged arteries and cardiovascular issues over time, alongside vegetable oil.

"While they are often marketed as healthier alternatives to butter, certain margarines and vegetable oils contain high levels of trans fats," she warns. "Trans fats are particularly harmful as they raise bad LDL cholesterol levels and lower good HDL cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of arterial plaque formation." Yikes! You're better off sticking to organic, grass-fed butter (the real deal, that is).

3. Full-fat ice cream

Who doesn't love dessert? Ice cream makes for one of the tastiest kinds around, and full-fat, premium varieties are certainly a delicious way to indulge. Unfortunately, although this may seem like a harmless treat, Andrews warns against its consumption due to its detrimental effects on artery health. "In addition to saturated fat, premium ice cream also has lots of sugar, which can make your arteries sticky and more likely to deposit plaque and fat," she says.

Excessive sugar intake can lead to a number of health issues, including insulin resistance and inflammation, which are risk factors for atherosclerosis. Furthermore, the combination of saturated fats and sugar can lead to the formation of sticky substances in the blood known as triglycerides. These triglycerides can contribute to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, further narrowing them and increasing the risk of heart disease.

4. Doughnuts

When breakfast rolls around, a doughnut can sound like a delicious way to start the day. However, these delectable indulgences can wreak havoc on artery health and heart function. "Most are just refined flour, sugar and fat," Andrews tells us. "Refined flour and fat can raise your blood sugar and risk for diabetes. Diabetes in and of itself is a risk factor for heart disease."

Refined flour lacks fiber and essential nutrients, causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. These spikes can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, both of which are key contributors to atherosclerosis. Furthermore, the fat content in doughnuts, typically in the form of unhealthy trans fats or saturated fats, can further elevate LDL cholesterol levels and promote arterial plaque formation. The combination of refined flour, sugar, and unhealthy fats makes doughnuts a significant contributor to heart disease risk when consumed regularly.

"If you must have one, have only one and skip the cake type or cream filled. These are even higher in fat," Andrews warns.

5. Bacon

Bacon is a beloved breakfast staple for many. Unfortunately, though, it can come with some serious drawbacks when it comes to heart health. Andrews identifies bacon as a major culprit in artery-clogging due to its high saturated fat and sodium content. "Full of saturated fat and sodium, beef or pork bacon is one of the worst offenders for clogging your arteries," she warns. "Saturated fat makes your liver produce more cholesterol, which can lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries)."

As we've noted, saturated fats are known to raise levels of LDL cholesterol, often referred to as "bad" cholesterol. This excess LDL cholesterol can accumulate in the walls of arteries, leading to the formation of plaques. Over time, these plaques can narrow and harden the arteries, contributing to atherosclerosis. The narrowing of arteries restricts blood flow and can eventually lead to heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Turkey bacon could be a good alternative. Overall, it's always best to stick to lean proteins.

6. Cheese Puffs

Cheese puffs are in a similar category to potato chips. They're sodium-rich, highly processed, and so easy to eat by the handful. We're sad to say that this cheesy, tasty snack is one more unhealthy option that could lead to clogged arteries and poor heart health.

"Cheese puffs and similar cheesy snacks are often made with partially hydrogenated oils, which contain trans fats," Sabat warns. "These trans fats raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and lower good cholesterol (HDL), contributing to arterial plaque buildup."

Schachter agrees. "These cheesy snacks are not only highly processed but also contain high levels of saturated and trans fats. Regular consumption can lead to elevated cholesterol levels, arterial inflammation, and the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries," she says. We hate to hear it!

7. Mozzarella Sticks

If you prefer real cheese to the puffs, you may be a fan of fried, delicious, gooey mozzarella sticks—but your heart isn't. This scrumptious snack can be detrimental to your heart health when consumed regularly, Richards warns.

"Mozzarella sticks are considered an artery-clogging snack due to their high levels of unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates," she says. "These sticks are typically coated in a batter and deep-fried, which not only increases their calorie content but also introduces trans fats and saturated fats from the frying oil."

Richards echoes that "trans fats and saturated fats are known to raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, contributing to the buildup of plaque in arteries, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease." Meanwhile, "The refined carbohydrate content in the batter and breading can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, potentially impacting insulin sensitivity and promoting inflammation," making matters worse for your whole body, including your heart.

"Regular consumption of mozzarella sticks, along with other fried and high-fat foods, can have detrimental effects on cardiovascular health and overall well-being," Richards concludes.

Consider going with healthier snacks instead.

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