4 Pre-Installed iPhone Apps You Probably Never Use–Delete Them To Clear Up Space

March 12, 2024 by Lisa Cupido


What’s the one thing so many iPhone users want and can’t get enough of? Storage space

Unless you’ve paid for extra storage space — and even then — it can feel as if storage is so hard to come by. And that’s because you’re likely using your phone to complete a number of storage-intensive tasks, like taking photos and videos, downloading large files, streaming movies, podcasts, and TV shows, and even posting on social media. The apps that you have on your device can also take up large amounts of storage space, so being conservative with what you download and keep on your phone and what you offload or delete is also important. 

Maybe you’re not eager to delete social media or streaming apps. But you probably won’t miss a few pre-installed iPhone apps that take up some storage (though not a lot) and that you’ll hardly miss. Free up space fast by deleting these four apps. 


The weather app is either a dealbreaker app that you’d never dream of deleting — or one you never check and can easily do without. If it’s the latter, keep in mind that you can easily browse Safari for a weather report and forecast. The app isn’t necessarily important to finding out the weather in your area. To boot: the weather app has access to your location and can be a drain on your privacy. Deleting it can help save space and keep your location private. 


Compass is a novelty app. You’ve possibly checked it a few times when you first bought your iPhone, and then never looked at it again. Delete it and you’ll never think about it again. 


Back in the day, FaceTime was exciting. You’d get a video call and could see the faces of people you loved who live countries or states away from you. But it’s no longer the only game in time and you can video chat on Zoom, WhatsApp, Telegram, and a few others. If you’re already using a different platform for video chatting, you can delete FaceTime. 


Of all the pre-installed apps on your device, Apple Maps can be one of the most battery draining. But, for most of us, it’s also important to have an app with GPS capabilities that gets us from Point A to Point B. If you prefer a maps app like Google or Waze, you can delete Apple Maps and save some storage space.

In addition to these four pre-installed apps, others you can delete include Calculator, Calendar, Contacts, Home, iBooks, iCloud Drive, iTunes Store, Mail, Music, News, Notes, Podcasts, Reminders, Stocks, Tips, Videos, Voice Memos, and Watch.

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