These Highly Processed Foods Could Worsen Insulin Resistance, Leading To Increased Diabetes Risk, Experts Warn

December 14, 2023 by Faith Geiger


It’s impossible to overstate the importance of a healthy, balanced diet. The foods you eat on a daily basis play a significant role in influencing your overall well-being. While many people seek to optimize their diet in order to lose weight, there are a myriad of other reasons to reach for healthy foods whenever possible—including the fact that the wrong choices could put you at risk of certain diseases, including diabetes.

Understanding the impact of our dietary choices is crucial. One major factor to consider is your sugar intake. It’s widely known that consuming an excess of sugar can lead to a range of health concerns. In addition to the fact that it could add some extra inches to your waistline, it could also contribute to the development of insulin resistance and an increased risk of diabetes. And while there are many foods that could pack too much sugar into your diet, there’s one variety in particular that health experts recommend steering clear of at all costs for your health: sugary pastries like donuts. We spoke to health experts Lisa Richards, nutritionist and creator of the Candida Diet, and Krutika Nanavati, dietitian, to learn more about the impact of these high-sugar, carb-loaded treats. Find all of their expert insight below.

How donuts and other sugary pastries could lead to insulin resistance

Sometimes nothing sounds as good as a sugary, glazed, jelly-filled, sprinkle-loaded, or chocolate-dipped donut in the morning. However, if you want to keep your body as healthy as possible and reduce your risk of diabetes. staying away from donuts and other sugar-loaded breakfast pastries is crucial.

Nanavati warns against refined carbs in general. "Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, and rice, are highly processed and stripped of their natural nutrients," she explains. "They have a high glycemic index, meaning they cause a quick spike in blood sugar levels. This constant rise in blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance over time. In addition, these refined carbohydrates lack fiber, which is important for regulating blood sugar levels and promoting satiety."

And when you add extra sugar to those refined carbs, like in the case of donuts and other pasties, you're just adding insult to injury. Richards calls out donuts as some of the worst culprits. "Donuts contribute to insulin resistance primarily due to their high levels of refined carbohydrates and sugars," she warns. "These treats are typically made with white flour, which rapidly converts to glucose, causing a rapid spike in blood sugar levels."

She breaks down how all of this could result in insulin resistance. "The pancreas responds by releasing insulin to facilitate glucose uptake by cells," Richards explains. "However, consistent consumption of sugary and refined carbohydrate-laden foods overwhelms this insulin response, leading to reduced sensitivity in cells." Over time, she notes, your cells will become less responsive to insulin, which will requite your pancreas to produce more of it in order to maintain blood sugar control.

"This continuous demand for insulin can contribute to the development of insulin resistance, a condition where cells resist the hormone's efforts to regulate blood sugar, potentially leading to type 2 diabetes," Richards tells us. Yikes!

For this reason, resisting the pull of donuts and their sugary peers (like muffins, croissants, cakes, and more) is a crucial part of keeping your risk of diabetes as low as possible.

Still craving carbs? No problem! Choosing complex carbs is a great way to stabilize your blood sugar and support a healthier body overall. "Instead of refined carbohydrates, opt for whole-grain options such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa," Nanavati suggests. "These contain more fiber, vitamins, and minerals to help regulate blood sugar levels and sustain energy." Got it!

And if you're in the mood for something sweet for breakfast, there are plenty of options out there that won't spike your blood sugar. Opting for some healthy fresh fruit is always a good idea.

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