Your metabolism is dictated by the thermic effect of food which determines how much energy it will take your body to burn through whichever food item you consumed. “Protein has a higher thermic effect compared with fats and carbohydrates because it takes longer for your body to metabolize the protein,” explains Gioffre.
“Protein will also slow down the metabolization of sugar and carbs, ultimately preventing an insulin spike, which helps prevent your body from storing fat,” he says. With this, consuming more protein within your diet will ultimately increase the speed of your metabolism over time, allowing you to burn more calories even at rest, and making it easier to maintain a deficit without depriving yourself.
One of the most commonly consumed forms of protein is meat, but Gioffre warns that when animal protein is consumed in excess, it is then converted to sugar which can have inverse effects on your overall health. “Any protein you consume above the amount that your body needs for maintenance and repair gets converted into glucose by the liver in a process known as gluconeogenesis,” he explains.
“This means that when you load up on animal protein, anything that isn’t used elevates your blood sugar, which raises your insulin, which triggers fat storage, which explains why high protein consumption is linked to increased body weight.”
Unfortunately, animal protein can also be highly inflammatory to the body depending on what the animal has been fed, so plant based protein may actually be your best bet for a faster metabolism, as well as healthy weight loss. “In addition to being loaded with protein (contrary to popular belief), plant-based options also double as a great way to get more necessary nutrients, such as fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. Animal proteins, on the other hand, often lack these and can also be filled with health-robbing nitrates, sodium, and antibiotics,” says Gioffre.
Some wonderful plant-based protein options that you may already be eating are chia seeds, avocado and lentils, but even broccoli, quinoa, and other forms of beans can be great choices to include in a variety of meals for a sneaky serving of protein without the potential side effects of eating meat.
If you are, however, partial to your carnivorous ways, you can still include animal protein in your diet for a natural boost to your metabolism as well. However, Gioffre notes that moderation is key, suggesting that for red meat and chicken you should be consuming about 2-4 ounces per serving, or the size of your fist.
When it comes to fish, measuring around the size of a checkbook is the ideal serving so that you can still get your fatty acids and protein without overdoing it. Additionally, grass-fed, cage-free meat that is free of antibiotics and added hormones are going to be the safest for your body so that you can avoid consuming any dangerous additives as you work to improve your health.
Not only will plant-based protein improve your metabolism, but it can also help to lower your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, increasing your quality of life and longevity. Protein in general is essential to your well being, so whether it’s coming from nuts, beans and veggies, or if you choose to opt for meat, either way your body will benefit from a faster metabolism, burning through calories effectively to allow you to maintain or lose weight without fighting against your diet every step of the way.
Ideally, a balance of both forms of protein will be most effective and maintainable, and a healthy diet for weight loss is one which you can stick to over an extended period of time without feeling like you’re depriving yourself.