5 Quick Morning Workouts For A Flatter Tummy

May 18, 2017 by Jennifer Hussein

Every girl wants a toned and flat tummy, but many of us don't have the time to head to the gym and work out. But, waking up a few minutes earlier and getting these quick exercises in can get you to a flatter belly in a matter of days! Try these quick workouts in the morning, recommended by Nike Elite Fitness Trainer Patrick Goudeau, for a flatter and toned tummy!

[Photo: Shutterstock]

Goudeau recommends doing overhead presses with your knees up to target your abs, glutes and shoulders. Here's how you do it, according to Goudeau: "Sit on a mat with your knees bent and feet on floor, holding dumbbells near shoulders, elbows by sides, and palms in. Lean back slightly and extend arms overhead as you lift feet a few inches off floor and bring knees toward chest.
Hold position for 1 to 3 counts; return to start. Do 15 reps."

Chest flyes with leg extensions are another great workout for getting a toned tummy! This exercise targets your chest and abs, and it's pretty easy to do. Here's Goudeau's guideline of how to do it: "Lie faceup on mat, knees bent 90 degrees over hips, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended over chest, palms in. Keeping right knee bent, straighten left leg toward floor as you lower arms out to sides. Hold for 1 count, then return to start. Do 10 reps. Switch legs; repeat."

Everyone does regular crunches, but side crunches are way more helpful for toning and weight loss. "Stand on left leg, left arm extended out to side at shoulder height, right foot lifted a few inches off floor to the side," Goudeau recommends. "Place right hand behind head, elbow bent out to side at shoulder level, then lift right knee toward right elbow. Do 15 reps; switch sides and repeat."

Pike and extends are guaranteed by Goudeau to make your belly leaner in no time! "Lie faceup on mat with legs extended over hips, arms overhead," he says. "Crunch up, reaching hands toward feet. Keeping legs straight, bring arms back overhead as you lower upper back and left leg toward floor. Crunch up, lifting left leg over hips and reaching hands to toes. Switch legs; repeat. Do 20 reps, alternating sides."

Lunges are always a great exercise for toning your butt, and now your tummy, too! Here's how to do it correctly, according to Goudeau: "Stand with feet together. Lunge back with left leg, bending knees 90 degrees, and reach left hand to right foot.Stand up, lift left knee in front of you to hip height, and bring fists to chest, bending elbows out to sides as you twist left. Twist to center, lunge left leg back, and repeat.Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat."
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