9 Reasons Why You Should Never Eat Pizza, Like, Ever

December 8, 2017 by SheFinds Health

When it comes to eating healthy, we all know to avoid fast food in order to get the results that we want. But most people don't realize that pizza is considered fast food, too! In fact, health experts say that pizza should be avoided at all costs, as it's typically made with unhealthy refined carbs and loaded with fattening toppings. Here are 9 reasons why you should skip ordering pizza this weekend:

[Photos: Shutterstock]

1. One slice can have a lot of calories

According to Cosmopolitan, one large slice of pepperoni pizza can contain at least 310 calories. That's not totally terrible if you're just eating one slice, but most people always eat at least 2 slices per sitting! 

2. The grease isn't doing you any favors 

Notice how greasy your pizza is sometimes? Well, it turns out that all of the grease is loaded with cholesterol that will ultimately end up clogging up and hardening your arteries. 

3. The crust is made with refined carbohydrates 

Carbs are actually good for your body, but only when they're whole grains that haven't been bleached and stripped of their nutrients. Pizza dough is typically made with refined flour, which increases your risk for abdominal fat. 

4. The cheese is filled with saturated fat

Cheese is the best part of a pizza, but all of that ooey-gooey cheese is actually loaded with saturated fat. "Each 5-ounce serving of cheese pizza contains 18.5 grams of fat, or 28 percent of the daily value for fat. Saturated fat makes up about 6.5 grams of this fat," according to SFGate

5. Adding meat as a topping isn't good for you either

Like your extra cheese topping, adding meat to your pizza isn't good for your waistline either. Depending on the meat you choose, you could be adding even more saturated fat on top of all of the saturated fat from the cheese. 

6. Pizza is high in sodium, too! 

Sodium can be found in the cheese, sauce, and extra toppings in your pizza. "A 5-ounce slice of cheese pizza contains 675 milligrams of sodium, or 29 percent of your recommended salt for the day," according to SFGate

7. The toppings may be processed 

Most commercially-prepared pizza chains use some seriously unhealthy toppings on their pizzas, including low-quality meats like sausage, pepperoni, and bacon that are high in fat and low in nutrients. 

8. There may be preservatives in your pizza, too! 

Pizza chains may use preservatives in their dough and sauce to extend its shelf life, enhance its taste, and maintain their brand's desired texture and color. Make sure that you're not consuming unhealthy preservatives by checking out the ingredients list of your favorite pizza chain before ordering! 

9. Excessive pizza consumption can lead to a slew of diseases

We all wish we could eat pizza at every meal, but overconsuming pizza can lead to diseases like heart disease and high blood pressure because of its high fat and sodium content. 

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