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For some party goers, indulging in Fireball whisky shots is the ultimate rite of passage. The sweet, spicy, cinnamon-infused liquor can be hard to swallow, which makes it even more tempting for groups of friends out at a bar for the night. But fireball shots aren't all harmless fun — here are 7 reasons you may want to think twice about that fireball shot.
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Reasons Not To Drink Fireball Shots
1) There was a fireball whisky recall in some countries — In 2014, Finland, Sweden, and Norway) announced a recall of Fireball whisky after discovering it contains high amounts of propylene glycol, which is a less toxic type of antifreeze. It should be noted that the FDA considers propylene glycol to be "generally recognized as safe," but Sweden and Finland have stricter standards about it.
2) It's not considered an actual whisky — There's a reason why Fireball's bottle calls it "whisky" and not "whiskey" — it has more in common with a shooter than it does authentic whiskey.
3) It has a bit of a reputation — Whether true ot not, prepare to battle a common stereotype when you order Fireball shots. Many think of it as a hardcore party drink, the kind ordered by college students only when they're preparing for a long night of partying.

Reasons To Never Order Fireball Shots
4) Get ready to deal with one major hangover — Assuming you are out for a hard night of partying and happen to overindulge in Fireball shots, the hangover can be torturous. The sugar content in its cinnamon sweeteners only exacerabte typical hungover feelings.
5) Its ingredients are mostly secret — If you're into transparency when it comes to foods and drinks you consume, you'll have to give up some control when doing Fireball shots. We know Fireball contains Canadian Whisky and cinnamon sweeteners, but other than that — its other ingredients are a mystery.
6) It may not be vegan or gluten-free — In keeping in line with its commitment to secrecy, Fireball seems like it could be vegan and gluten-free, judging by the ingredients we know about, but the brand won't certify its product as either gluten-free or vegan.

Why Fireball Shots Aren't Great For You
7) It's higher in calories than regular whiskey — This shouldn't come as a shock, given Fireball's high sugar content, but one Fireball shot contains 108 calories. If you're counting calories and comparing that to regular whiskey, the average shot has 70 calories and is 86 proof, compared to Fireball's 66 proof.