The Royal Family Just Released This Shocking Update On Kate Middleton–We Did NOT See This Coming!

July 7, 2021 by Robyn Turk

Splash News/Shutterstock

Kate Middleton might be at risk of having COVID-19. According to a statement from Kensington Palace, the Duchess of Cambridge is self-isolating after having come in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.

“Her Royal Highness is not experiencing any symptoms, but is following all relevant government guidelines and is self-isolating at home,” the statement announced.

Kate Middleton had both doses of the COVID-19 vaccination and has continued to test negative when taking rapid flow tests. Still, the duchess is taking precautions after having come into contact with someone who has tested positive.

Kate is very precautious about health and safety when making public appearances. She recently attended both Wimbledon and a Euros match, and took lateral flow tests before each event to be sure she was not sick.

Kate received her second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination on May 29. At the time she shared on Twitter, "Yesterday I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at London’s Science Museum. I'm hugely grateful to everyone who is playing a part in the rollout - thank you for everything you are doing."

And this isn't the first time one of the royals had to self-isolate as a result of COVID-19. Prince William even tested positive to the virus.

A source explained to Us Weekly, “He followed all the necessary self-isolation regulations, refused to let it get him down and even managed to work whilst recovering at home in a sectioned-off area. There were rough moments, of course, and William learned firsthand how awful this virus is and how seriously it needs to be taken.”

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