3 Salty Snacks No One Should Be Eating Anymore Because They Dehydrate The Skin And Damage DNA—#3 Is Linked To Fine Lines!

October 3, 2024 by Marissa Matozzo


Dermatologists, doctors and skincare experts have long supported the idea that your diet is directly linked to the condition of your skin. As the well-known saying goes, “you are what you eat!” We checked in with a panel of doctors, dermatologists, and beauty specialists to learn more about three salty and processed food types to avoid if your goal is to prevent skin damage and premature aging.

These foods, as our experts note, can lead to dehydrated skin, fine lines, a sullen look and a sluggish feel. They also shared which water-loving, antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory foods to prioritize for a glowy, dewy look this fall.

3 Processed And Salty Foods That Lead To Dull Complexions And Faster Aging, Doctors Say

1. Full-Fat Butter & Margarine

Scientific research shows that foods "do in fact" affect our skin's oil production, Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Future Bright Dermatology, tells us. "Dairy, milk products and whey protein" in particular, she notes, "increase IGF-1, which will cause oilier skin."

While consuming enough vitamin D and calcium every day is essential for your overall health, Dr. Adrienne O’Connell, Medical Director and President of Laguna Beach Aesthetics, warns that excessive dairy can cause an even oilier and greasy-looking complexion. (And this does not mean hydrated skin, by the way, just more oil that can later clog pores and cause acne!)

Robyn Newmark, skincare expert and founder and CEO of Newmark Beauty, concurs, and says that "salty margarine is one food you should avoid if you want to prevent wrinkles and dry skin." Margarine, she notes, is "frequently made with partially hydrogenated oils, one of the most prevalent trans fats." While trans fats "contribute to heart disease," she also warns that they may also accelerate the skin's aging process.

"Trans-fatty acids make the skin more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which can cause damage to the elastin and collagen in the skin," she goes on. Additionally, she says that "margarine can cause chronic inflammation, speeding up the formation of wrinkles."

2. Canned Soups & Sauces

Canned foods with large amounts of salt should also be left on the store shelves if prioritizing glowing, healthy and radiant skin is your goal. "Salty foods dehydrate the body, which tricks the skin into producing more oil to compensate," O'Connell explains. Kung concurs, and adds that many canned foods like tuna or soups and sauces can also contain heavy amounts of salt.

"Canned foods contain ingredients that are on the hit list of the worst foods for acne-prone skin," she warns. "Although tuna is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, tuna contains mercury which can cause acne. Beware of mercury accumulation in the body because canned tuna makes consumption of tuna affordable, easy, and frequent," she advises. She also notes that "canned sauces or pasta with sauces and preserved meats are also high in salt and sugar."

3. Potato Chips

Hydrating and moisturizing your skin is needed for a healthy complexion, and to age gracefully. With extremely high salt levels, potato chips are not beneficial in aiding the hydration of the skin. Eating them every day or in excess can cause wrinkles, cracks, and peeling, she warns.

"Due to osmotic pressure, salt draws water out of cells, including skin cells, leading to dry skin," Dr. Simran Sethi, MD, founder of RenewMD and skin by Dr. Simran Sethi, explains. "Potato chips are notoriously high in salt and also contain a sizable amount of sugar," she adds.

When there is an excess of salt and glucose in the body, Sethi continues, it cross-links with collagen and elastin, "proteins that give our skin its firmness and elasticity." Elevated sugar and salt intake "hardens skin proteins, making your skin weaker, thinner and less hydrated," Sethi warns.

Healthy Foods To Prioritize For Hydrated, Supple Skin

While having potato chips, butter, margarine, white bread or other refined carbs once in a while is fine, Sethi and Factor note that eating them (or foods like them) every day or multiple times a week without drinking enough water can wreck havoc on your complexion.

Instead of foods with salt, Sethi suggests trying to "season foods with lemon, black or red pepper and dried herbs."  Sethi adds that "over time, the body will stop craving higher levels of salt while remaining more hydrated." She also points out that "drinking at least 10 glasses of water (8 oz each) and of course, limiting consumption of such foods to once a week or less is the best way to achieve healthier looking skin."

To follow a healthy diet that will "optimize skin health," Dr. Enrizza P. Factor, MD, dermatologist and writer at My Eczema Team says "you should consume foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties." The following foods all contribute to healthy, supple and hydrated skin, Factor says: "whole grains like wheat bread, brown rice, barley, millet, oatmeal and quinoa, beans." In addition, she lists: "legumes like black beans, navy beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, peas and lentils."

Factor concludes that vitamin C sources like "strawberries, red peppers, and grapefruit" are all no-fail snack choices if you want to prioritize your skin health, as well as leafy greens like "spinach and kale." These foods, she notes, are "rich in vitamin A, which is an antioxidant and nutrient that promotes healthy skin cell turnover." Good to know!

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