Dietitians Share 3 ‘Satiating’ Foods You Should Fill Up On For Healthy Weight Loss

July 14, 2023 by Faith Geiger


Figuring out the best foods to eat while you’re trying to lose weight can be difficult. On one hand, it’s important to nourish your body and leave a meal feeling satisfied so that you’re less likely to overeat later in the day. On the other hand, eating too much of the wrong foods could lead to an excess calorie consumption, which can be detrimental to your weight loss goals. Luckily, there are plenty of healthy foods that can keep you satiated without putting your waistline at risk.

To discover a few of the best foods you can fill up on while you’re slimming down, we spoke to registered dietitian and nutritionist Krutika Nanavati. She told us that oats, veggies, and popcorn (yes, popcorn!) are all great options. Read on for all of her expert insight.

1. Oats

Oatmeal is one of the best superfoods around. It's packed with incredible health benefits, and according to Nanavati, one of those benefits is great satiation that can promote weight loss.

"Oats are relatively low in calories," she says. "They're also very satiating and ranked at the top on the food satiety scale. This has a lot to do with the high fiber content that the oats provide."

She explains that since this tasty breakfast food can soak up water, it can increase volume to fill you up more. "The fiber also helps slow down the digestion of the oats which helps you stay full for longer," she adds. Plus, oats can help you pack in protein and healthy carbs too, both of which are essential for weight loss.

And on top of all that, oats make the perfect canvas for healthy, weight loss-friendly toppings.

2. Veggies

Maybe you're sick of hearing about the importance of eating your veggies, but seriously: vegetables are undeniably some of the best foods you can eat if you're trying to slim down. Not only are they packed with the essential nutrients that your body needs to thrive, but as Nanavati points out, they're highly satiating.

"The most satiating and least calorically dense vegetables include celery, cucumbers, spinach, and veggies that are full of water," she says. "Vegetables like lettuce celery and cucumbers are particularly low in calories.  For example, 100 grams of celery only contains about 8 calories." Wow! She also recommends broccoli, cauliflower, and peppers.

As far as the best way to fit veggies into your diet, the possibilities are practically endless. "You can enjoy them in salads, use them as toppings on your favorite snack or simply stir fry them," Nanavati suggests. We definitely recommend checking out tasty, high-protein salads.

3. Popcorn

Okay, now time for a seriously scrumptious salty snack. Losing weight doesn't have to be all salad, all the time! When you have a hankering for something crunchy in between meals, don't reach for processed snacks like potato chips, which won't fill you up. Instead, Nanavati suggests reaching for popcorn. We can get behind that!

"Popcorn is very filling and satiating especially for a snack that's primarily made up of carbs," she points out. "This is largely due to the fact that popcorn is very high in fiber." Plus, it's low in calories, which means you can munch guilt-free: "One cup of popcorn only contains about 30 calories," Nanavati points out. Score!

The bottom line

Ultimately, weight loss requires a number of moving parts, from adding fat-burning exercises to your daily routine to cutting out fattening foods. However, adding the right foods to the mix can also make a major difference. So next time you're looking for a filling meal, consider some of Nanavati's recommendations. You'll be less likely to eat later on, and those pounds will be so much easier to drop!

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