1. Stick to your list
This is a tip that can help you any time you're shopping, for groceries or otherwise: always make a list and stick to it! If you know exactly what you need, it will be much easier for you to get in and out of the store without wasting money on the things you don't need. Wandering aimlessly around a grocery store is one sure-fire way to spend much more money than you intended. So before you leave the house, double-check what you need to stock up on, write it all down, and stick to your list at the store.
Additionally, be sure not to get sucked in by the clearance section. This is crucial. While "avoid clearance" may sound like counterproductive advice for anyone looking to save money, think about it: how often are the things you need actually in clearance? More often than not, you'll just end up spending unnecessary money on things you could do without. Of course, if something on your list is in clearance, that's simply a win-win you should take advantage of.
2. Bring cash
Once you know what you need to buy at the store, it's time to figure out roughly how much that will cost you. After calculating that number, you can leave your credit card behind and just bring a wad of cash to the store with you; that wad of cash should be just enough to pay for all of the items on your list. This is a great way to make sure you don't overspend or get sucked in by any superfluous purchases. No matter how tempting that fancy snack is, if you don't have enough cash to pay for it, it's not coming home with you. While it may be painful in the moment, your wallet will thank you for this decision in the end!
3. Compare prices
If you really want to save the most money possible on your groceries, it's important to compare prices across stores. That way, you can figure out exactly which store has the best deals on all the items you need. While it may be a hassle to make a few stops on your grocery run, the money you save will likely be worth it, especially if you're stocking up on a lot of items—saving a few dollars here and there can really make a difference overall!
4. Opt for curbside pickup
Another great way to make sure you don't spend more than you bargained for is to eliminate the temptation of store shelves altogether by opting for curbside pickup rather than in-store shopping. This will allow you to do all of your shopping online, ensuring you add only what you need to your cart without having to walk past all of those other things that may catch your eye—and without having to pay a delivery fee. It's a great decision for anyone who struggles with self-control in the store. Plus, it'll significantly cut your shopping time down, as well.