There are actually many types of iPhone glitches and each of them represents a different set of problems with your phone, according to Tech Expert Radu Vrabie at “In some instances, glitches may come as a result of running high-powered apps, way above the running capacity of the phone's GPU and on some occasions, a decrease in your battery will also lead to glitches,” Vrabie says.
Can the glitch also be the result of a security issue?
“Even though it's often considered hard to do, hacking an iPhone is not an unsurmountable task,” Vrabie says.
In some instances, glitching may be a sign of malicious access, according to Vrabie. “Some users who have gone through malware attacks reported glitching, and almost robotic operation when they powered on their phones,” Vrabie says. “A malware affects the way apps run within the Phone's processor. More often than not, a malware attack will lead to flickering, glitching, and crashing of app operations. This should be a real cause for alarm.”
Even though this sounds terrifying, Vrabie says there are steps you can take to avoid glitches.
“Don't rush to open spam messages and malicious links,” Vrabie says. “Also, remember to always keep your iPhone data private. More importantly, running frequent updates will help you avoid the occasional glitches. iPhone has invested a lot of time in resolving software glitches. Some updates come with fixes for frequent glitches.”
If your iPhone begins glitching, the best first step you should take is to restart your phone if you have a frozen screen.
“A restart solves most of the simple spur-of-the-moment glitches with ease,” Vrabie says. “A huge number of apps operate and refresh in the background. This means that they're constantly taking up processing power, even when they're not required to. Disabling the background apps can help you reduce the amount of processing power running your phone. A final solution would be to factory reset your phone. This will show you whether the problem is hardware or software related. In some instances, the apps on your phone may be the reason for glitches. If all fails, one should think about taking the iPhone to the nearest Apple expert, or to replace the phone altogether. Replacing the phone may be expensive, but it's way easier than going through the repair process.”