The SHADIEST Secret About McDonald’s Drive-Thru Was Just Revealed–Customers Are Pissed!

October 10, 2020 by SHEfinds Editors


We just learned something shocking about what happens when your order from a fast food drive-thru, and it’s going to change the way we order forever.

It turns out that you're not as alone as you might think when you're ordering from the drive-thru. That's right - a fast food employee revealed that they watch us on camera while we're ordering!

In fact, a Starbucks drive-thru employee has been posting videos on TikTok of her customers before they order, as she surprises them by singing to them.

Other people were just as shocked as we were to see that workers can see them as they're ordering. One person commented on the video, "Ummm I didn't know y'all got cameras. You know how many times I roll up picking my nose."

So next time you find yourself waiting to order at a drive-thru, pay more attention to what you're doing - because now you know you're being watched.

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