Security Experts Say You Should Be Using This One Setting On All Your Social Media Apps–It Blocks Hackers!
September 7, 2021 by Lisa Cupido
If you have a Facebook account you’re probably all too familiar with telltale signs that your friends or relatives have been hacked. You start receiving strange, out-of-the-blue DM’s that say things like “Hi” without any follow-up. They begin posting even stranger ads for items like sunglasses and tag you and 100 other random people in the post. And then they issue that apologetic “I’ve been hacked — don’t open anything from me” post once they realize what has happened. Hacking is common on social media sites, which is why it’s so important that you set your settings to avoid them. Security experts say you should be using this one setting on all your social media apps — it blocks hackers.
Privacy SettingsAll of the major social media sites have privacy settings that you can utilize to create a barrier between you and hackers. Is it foolproof? No. But some protection is better than none at all. Here is what you need to know about adjusting your privacy settings for different social media apps.