The One Thing Experts Say You Should NEVER Do To Your Shakes (It’s SO Bad For You!)

January 15, 2021 by Hannah Kerns


Adding shakes to your diet is a great way to supplement your routine with any extra nutrients you may be missing. However, it’s important that you are not adding too much to your shakes. Specifically, according to dietitians, it’s important to steer clear of any added sugars that could negatively impact your diet.

Keep reading for more details–and what you should add instead!

Added Sugar

Keeping added sugar out of your diet is always a good idea, and your shake recipes are no exception.

Sarah Marjoram, MS, RDN, LD, Nutrition Expert and Strategic Advisor of Jamba, tells SheFinds, "I recommend limiting ingredients with added sugar. Things like fruit canned in syrup, ice cream, and extra sweeteners add more calories without a lot of nutritional benefits."

Keeping chocolate syrup out of your shake recipes is also good idea--even if you do want a chocolate fix.

Carissa Galloway, RDN, and Premier Protein Nutrition Consultant, says, "You should avoid adding chocolate syrup to your shakes, they are filled with unnecessary sugar and have no added nutritional value."

If you are really craving chocolate, Galloway recommends adding a chocolate-flavored protein instead: "Try swapping with a Chocolate Premier Protein 30g High Protein Shake. That swap will give you only 1g of sugar, 30 grams of filling protein and antioxidants vitamins C & E to support a healthy immune system."

Or you could always get your sweet fix by adding some fruit to your shakes.

Marjoram explains, "When it comes to choosing what to add to your favorite smoothie, focus on whole foods and ingredients that add protein and fiber."

She also suggests heading to your local Jamba if you want an extra boost of nutrients: "Jamba’s boosts support wellness needs like immunity, which can help boost your body’s defense system by being rich in vitamins, antioxidants and Zinc."

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