Fans Are Worried About Sharon Osbourne’s Health Status After Seeing Recent Photos After 40-Lb Weight Loss: ‘Poor Dear’

October 4, 2023 by Maria Pierides

Splash News

This post has been updated since its original publication date to include new info

Sharon Osbourne, 70, is one of the few celebs who has been open about her use of controversial diabetes drug, Ozempic, which has become a popular weight loss drug due to its ability to suppress appetite. It does, however, come with a long list of side effects, which according to CBS News includes thyroid tumors, pancreatitis, changes in vision, hypoglycemia, gallbladder issues, kidney failure and cancer.

Back in May, the former X Factor judge confessed on The Talk UK that she had taken it and lost a remarkable 30 lbs. But in a new interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored at the end of September, the mom-of-three revealed that she had lost a total of 42 lbs since starting the medication, and confessed that she felt she had gone too far and lost more weight than she had intended. Fans expressed their concern for Osbourne after her appearance on Uncensored, and more recently, after she was spotted looking “malnourished,” to quote one Instagram fan, on a recent shopping trip with daughter Aimee Osbourne.

Sharon Osbourne Talks About Her Ozempic Experience On 'Piers Morgan Uncensored'

"You can't stay on it forever, firstly," Osbourne explained. "I've lost 42 pounds now and it's just enough," she continued, adding, "It’s just time to stop, I didn’t actually want to go this thin but it just happened. And I’ll probably put it all on again soon."

The Osbournes matriarch explained some of the side effects to the 58-year-old broadcaster and his viewers, saying: "At first, you feel nauseous. You don't throw up physically, but you've got that feeling and I was about two, three weeks where I felt nauseous the whole time. You get very thirsty and you don't want to eat. That's it."

She went on to suggest that it should be "kept away" from younger people because they could overuse it, adding: "That's why I keep saying, you've got to keep this stuff away from younger people because they will go berserk on it and it's not right."

Osbourne's latest comments essentially echoed what she told The Talk UK earlier this year, when she had lost around 30 lbs. "I took it for four months and I lost 30 lbs., but like everything, there's always no quick recipe. I was very sick for a couple of months. The first couple of months, I just felt nauseous. Every day I felt nauseous, my stomach was upset, whatever." She continued: "But listen, I took it for four months, I lost 30 pounds. I've just shoved two chips in my mouth, while we had the break, and I eat normally now, and I haven't put on a pound. Nothing."

Fans Show Concern On Social Media

Commenting on a short clip of the interview, which was posted on the Piers Morgan Uncensored Twitter account on September 20th and showed Sharon saying that her husband called her "Nancy Reagan" because she was so skinny, one fan said, "Way too skinny Sharon dear," as another added, "Obviously, she's not very well. Neither is Ozzy. I hope they both get the help they need." Another Twitter user called her "Skeletor Sharon," as another concerned fan said: "I’m so shocked at her appearance!! She doesn’t look like herself. And looks like she’s had a facelift that’s made her eyes look extremely odd. I hope she’s ok, she doesn’t look well." Many other fans thought the weight loss made her look older, with one person saying, "It aged her," and another chiming in: "I hate to say this but she looks unhealthy and old."

Elsewhere on the social media platform, in the comments section to Page Six's post about Sharon's interview on the show, another Twitter user said, "She looks sickly now," as another added, "She doesn’t look well." Another didn’t seem to buy her comments about unintentionally losing 40 lbs, writing, "Didn’t want to go this thin? Couldn’t she have just stopped taking it? Just a thought." Another fan echoed this, and said: "If she didn't want to go that thin, why didn't she stop using it when she lost all of the weight she wanted to lose?!" "Here’s an idea. STOP USING OZEMPIC!" exclaimed another user, followed by the eye rolling emoji.

Fans showed even more concern on Page Six's September 29th Instagram post featuring pictures of Osbourne shopping in Mayfair with 40-year-old daughter Aimee, as one fan called her "Emaciated" and another said, "It's called anorexia." "She looks like she’s on palliative care," someone else said, as another added: "She needs help."

"I'm really sorry, but oh my goodness, she appears to be extremely unwell. This is sad," said another concerned fan, as another begged her to "Stop the meds and just eat healthy," adding, "She looks so frail." "Poor dear. She looks malnourished," wrote another fan, as someone else described her as a "walking corpse."

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