Fans Are Supporting Sheinelle Jones After She Posts An ‘Emotional’ Message About ‘Health Scares’ On Instagram

June 10, 2022 by Louise Ferrer

Splash News

When you look and feel good, chances are getting medical checkups will be the least of your priorities. Let’s face it: When was the last time you actually had a doctor’s appointment? There’s no denying that you’ve probably had those days when you just Googled the best cure to whatever you were feeling and ended up medicating on your own. Well, it’s important to understand that self-medicating isn’t a good idea. Always consult your physician when needed.

So in case you need it, here’s a reminder that as a responsible adult, you gotta keep tabs on your health. Know your family history, see the right doctors, and get those tests done. Recently, Sheinelle Jones is one celebrity who is pushing for the same message.

In one of her Instagram posts, the 44-year-old Today Show host got real about the importance of prioritizing your health. Her caption wrote:

“So something is telling me I should post this. Maybe someone needs to hear it. I have plenty of doctors in my family and yet I am *horrible* when it comes to yearly checkups. But lately, I’ve had so many friends my age with all sorts of health scares—that I realize we *must* get those annual exams. The older I get, the more nervous I am sometimes. I think about my kids and the people I love, and putting on these scrubs/hospital robes reminds me that I’m human. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true.”

She continued, “I had an annual mammogram today. As we all waited for the radiologist, the women in the room all started to share with each other. We laughed and admittedly complained a little. We’re all at different stages in our lives—some survivors, others just there for a checkup. All is well, but before I left, I thanked them for their ‘sisterhood.’ We all agreed it was a sweet moment that we shared in that waiting area. I have a couple more checkups scheduled over the next month.”

With a promising message, the news anchor encouraged and reminded everyone to get their medical check-ups done regularly. Jones emphasized, “Ladies, we’re all *so busy* but we gotta do it. To my guys, you too. Whether it’s a prostate check or even a colonoscopy. I think I’m feeling emotional these days because I’m still grieving, but I care about us. If you haven’t already done so, please call your doctors and schedule those annual check ups.”

She ended her post by saying, “I’ve decided to have a #selfcaresummer. I made that up, but I like it.”

Her followers were quick to support her mantra. TV host and media personality Skyler Bouchard Oppenheim commented, “This is so important. Glad all was good and such an important reminder.” Similarly, ABC News Senior National Affairs Correspondent Deborah Roberts wrote, “You may have just saved a life or two with this.”

We’re definitely thankful for the reminder, Sheinelle!

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