Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Update Your iPhone Until The New Year, According To Tech Experts

December 29, 2020 by Lisa Cupido


Most of the time updating your iPhone is a very smart move. But, with the discovery that a newer software upgrade has several bugs and unresolved issues, many text experts are cautioning against updating your phone at the moment. Mika Kujapelto, CEO & Founder at, spoke with about why you shouldn’t update your iPhone until the new year. 

Updating your iPhone can improve your iPhone's security, but updating too soon can also create annoying problems, according to Kujapelto. “The bugs associated with Apple’s new iOS 14.3 updates come with more issues than anyone initially thought.,” Kujapelto says. “There were bug problems with iPhone 12 and other new devices, but the latest iOS 14 update has created issues with older devices.” 

The most obvious answer when it comes to the question of which apps you should delete is always Facebook and Facebook Messenger. But there are others that deserve your consideration. 

“There are actually a ton of horrible apps for privacy, particularly on Android,” Parker says. “Apps that need your location to do their job are bad about selling your location to others, like the Weather App.”

Privacy issues continue to plague popular messenger apps, Parker says, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and even Apple Messages. 

While you are deciding which apps to prune, it may be worth your time to consider an alternate messaging app. “Signal is the gold standard for true end-to-end encryption,” Parker says. “It's open source and it's serious about it (unlike others). The guy funding it actually was the original co-founder of WhatsApp [and] he left Facebook.” 

With a bit of careful and mindful deleting and adding to your apps, you can find a number of great replacements for apps that are bad news for your privacy. 

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