
8 Skincare Ingredients That Derms Say Actually Work For Younger-Looking Skin

September 18, 2023 by Lisa Cupido
shefinds | beauty

You may not want to be 20 ever again, but if you’re constantly seeking glowier, healthier-looking skin, a lot of good can be found in a bottle — as long as you are shopping for the right ingredients. Before you drop money on skincare that smells nice, or maybe even makes your skin a little smoother, doing some research into products that boast really effective ingredients that can combat dryness, dark spots, and fine lines and wrinkles is the way to go. Here are eight ingredients that dermatologists say work for younger-looking skin. 

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Fountain of youth in a bottle? Perhaps such a thing doesn’t actually exist, but skin experts praise retinol for its science-backed ability to boost collagen production and make skin look more radiant and smooth. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that increases the rate at which your skin cells turnover — which means it can help dull, dry skin become renewed quickly and reveal softer, more youthful skin. These qualities also help acne-prone skin heal faster. 


Retinol can be extremely drying and irritating on skin, so slow and steady wins the race with this ingredient. Start off with a lower percentage of retinol (ask your dermatologist for recommendations) and then increase the percentage as your skin gets used to it. 




Let’s face it: there is no list of ingredients to help make your skin look youthful that doesn’t start and end with broad-spectrum sunscreen. You can follow the strictest skincare routine in the world, one filled with expensive creams and serums, but if you aren’t protecting your skin from UV rays each day, you aren’t taking proper care of your skin. UV damage can lead to crow’s feet, wrinkles, and discoloration. Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, even when the sky is overcast. 


Glycolic Acid


Exfoliation became so popular years ago that many started to over-exfoliate, which can led to dry, sensitized skin. There’s no need to overdo it, and one or twice weekly may be enough to keep your skin glowing, but the ingredients you use to exfoliate matter, as well. Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid that can rid your skin of dead cells and boost collagen production. Just be sure to go slow with this one: it can be drying on some skin types. 


Hyaluronic Acid


Healthy and young-looking skin is smooth skin, and hyaluronic acid is one of the best ingredients to get you there. HA can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, and is excellent at keeping skin moisturized. Apply it to damp skin and follow up with a moisturizer. 




On the heels of hyaluronic acid, you have ceramides — another moisture-boosting ingredient. Ceramides can be found in everything from cleansers to moisturizers and serums. They are lipids that maintain a strong skin barrier and seal moisture into skin. Bonus: they’re safe on all skin types. 


Vitamin C


A vitamin C serum in the morning helps neutralize free radicals from environmental pollutants that can damage skin and boost collagen production. This ingredient is fantastic for brightening your skin and helping to lighten discoloration, as well. Just take caution with your vitamin C serums — they should not be exposed to sun and air. 




This ingredient is a form of vitamin B3 that many dermatologist praise for its ability to help with acne and redness. It brightens skin and helps calm inflammation. 


Lactic Acid


Lastly, lactic acid. This AHA is derived from milk and is considered a great exfoliation option for anyone whose skin becomes easily irritated by more intense ingredients. Lactic acid is available in serums and even at-home peels. Take extra care to wear sunscreen after using this one — it can be sensitizing. 




Lisa Fogarty is a lifestyle writer and reporter based in New York who covers health, wellness, relationships, sex, beauty, and parenting.

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