Want To Slim Down In Time For Summer? Stop Eating These 7 Foods & Beverages To Reduce Belly Fat

May 12, 2024 by Faith Geiger


As bikini season approaches, you may be putting a little extra effort into your fitness routine and eating habits. There are several steps you can take towards the body of your dreams this summer, from fitting fat-blasting workouts into your day to adding metabolism-boosting foods to your plate. However, it’s also crucial to reduce your intake of certain foods if a flatter belly is what you’re after. You know what they say: You are what you eat! And if you’re eating processed, fattening foods, that’s bad news for your weight loss efforts.

So, what are some of the worst foods that could be holding you back from your ideal summer body? To shed some light on a few, we spoke to health experts Dr. Mrinal Pandit, a Registered Dietitian; Joanna Wen, founder of Spices & GreensLisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD, a registered dietitian nutritionist; and Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD. Find all of their expert insight below.

1. Processed Meats

We love a charcuterie board as much as the next girl, but unfortunately, processed meats can do some serious damage to your health. They've been associated with many health issues, including weight gain and a range of diseases. Processed meats like sausages, bacon, and ham are highlighted as contributors to belly fat due to their high fat and sodium content. Dr. Pandit emphasizes the role of nitrites and nitrates in processed meats: "Nitrites and nitrates used in processing cause inflammation, a key driver of fat storage and chronic diseases," she tells us. These include colorectal cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

2. Pastries

There's nothing quite like a tasty pastry on a Sunday morning, but if you're after weight loss and a lower risk of disease, it's important not to make a habit out of eating sugary baked treats, which can cause an array of health issues. Baked goods and pastries, Dr. Pandit warns, contain unhealthy ingredients that lead to rapid blood sugar and insulin spikes, contributing to increased fat storage, particularly around the midsection. Plus, she says, "The high sugar and trans fat content in baked goods increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease." Say it ain't so!

Complex carbs are the best way to go instead of refined carbs like the kind in your favorite pastries.

3. Deep Fried Foods

Fried foods can be especially difficult to resist. But if you're looking out for your health, you're better off skipping deep-fried options. Deep-fried foods, Dr. Pandit notes, create unhealthy trans fats and increase calorie density, leading to fat storage, especially around the belly. She also points out the association between trans fats and heart disease: "Trans fats raise bad cholesterol, while lowering good cholesterol, leading to heart disease and stroke." Plus, the high sodium content of fried foods can lead to a range of health issues, including many age-related diseases. "Fried foods are high in sodium and can increase blood pressure. High-heat cooking creates AGEs linked to inflammation and accelerated aging.as well as the high sodium content in fried foods, which can elevate blood pressure and contribute to inflammation and accelerated aging," Dr. Pandit warns.

4. Potato Chips

When it comes to snacks, it doesn't get more classic than good old potato chips. Unfortunately, this go-to option is also terrible for your body when consumed in excess—starting with the fact that they're so easy to overindulge in. Wen warns that this snack is as unhealthy as it is tasty. "Many chips are fried in unhealthy oils and coated with salt, making them very high in calories and unhealthy fats," she says. Then there's the fact that, although this snack will load your diet with calories, it offers virtually no nutritional value. They "contain little to no fiber, which can help to keep you feeling full and prevent overeating." Without a good amount of fiber, you'll be much more likely to eat more fattening foods later in the day, which will slow your weight loss progress. Yikes!

5. Ice cream

Craving something sweet rather than salty? You may find yourself reaching for ice cream. When it's time for dessert, it can feel almost impossible to turn down this creamy indulgence. However, turning it down is the best option for your health, especially if you're trying to slim down. "Ice cream is high in calories and often contains large amounts of added sugar, which can lead to weight gain," Wen warns, pointing out that "it often contains unhealthy fats as well." When you add in all the flavors and toppings typically found in popular options, insult is added to injury. "Many ice cream flavors are loaded with empty calories from syrups and other flavorings," Wen points out. This means you're much better off finding a healthier way to please your sweet tooth.

6. Cookies

If you fall into the camp of those who can't get enough sweet stuff, you're likely familiar with the irresistible pull of cookies. However, Wen warns, cookies are one of the worst culprits as far as weight gain goes. "Cookies are often loaded with sugar and white flour, which can cause blood sugar spikes and lead to belly fat storage," she says. And just as with potato chips (and most snacks out there) this sweet treat tends to be very low in fiber. So, just like a bag of chips probably won't tide you over till dinner, a cookie won't either. It's likely you'll either find another unhealthy snack to munch on, or stuff yourself when supper rolls around—both of which can be detrimental to your weight loss goals.

7. White Bread

Although it may be tasty option for sandwiches, toast, and more, white bread is another processed food that experts say you're better off cutting out of your diet if you want to reduce belly fat. This bread is full of refined carbs, which can take a toll on your body and result in weight gain over time.

As Hunnes explains, these carbs, which have undergone a refining process that strips them of all their fiber and nutritional benefits, "have many negative side effects for our health and belly fat is just one of them." Like potato chips, consuming white bread can result in "quick sugar spikes and inflammation, both of which stall weight loss and damage health." Yikes!

However, there are several types of bread you can continue to enjoy while losing weight, including whole wheat and sprouted varieties.

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