There are a number of perfectly good reasons why your iPhone may be slower than usual. Some of the first culprits to investigate include storage space — do you have enough? If not, this could be cause of your slow phone and you may need to free up space. You may also be running old software and outdated apps. Keeping on top of these by checking for updates and making sure you always make updates as soon as possible is a wise way to keep your phone up to speed, as well.
But there are times when you’ll do all of the right things and your phone is still stalling. During those times, it becomes necessary to have a look at the apps on your phone to make some hard choices about which should stay and which should go for the sake of your phone’s speed. If you have a slow iPhone, tech experts say these two apps could be the reason why.
Apps That Send Several Notifications
You know the apps — the ones that are constantly sending you notifications. They ask if you want to check out a new feature or will remind you that you haven’t checked into the app in a while and are missing some great content. Whatever the message says, the fact that these apps rely on notifications can lead to a slower performance on your phone. You can delete these apps completely to save space and battery power or adjust your settings so that these apps can’t send you notifications.
Resource-Intensive Apps
Resource-intensive apps like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok are considered such because they do SO Much at all times, like autoplaying videos, pre-loading content (such as stories on Snapchat), and constantly updating in the background so that every time you access these apps, you’re met with fresh content. The question isn’t: should you get rid of all resource-intensive apps. Many of them are a ton of fun or conveniently link you to friends, family, and news from the outside world. Instead, consider editing your apps list a bit and keeping a few apps and deleting a few others.
Also: turn off settings that affect battery power and slow your device down, including notifications and background app refresh. Little changes like these can make a big difference when it comes to your iPhone and its speed.