The One Spice You Should Be Using Everyday To Reduce Belly Bloat

March 22, 2021 by Merrell Readman


There’s nothing more frustrating than living a healthy lifestyle and still struggling with a bloated belly. While inflammation can stem from food intolerance, an imbalance in your gut health, or even stress and anxiety, it can be difficult to figure out the solution to your bloating without knowing the cause. If you struggle with chronic inflammation and are tired of feeling weighed down and uncomfortable in your body, there’s one spice you should be including in your diet that could be the answer to your digestive problems.

Not only is cumin great to add some natural flavoring to your dinners, but it also provides a range of benefits to ease your belly and minimize inflammation in the body. According to a study on cumin’s effect on IBS, continued consumption of the spice over time was proven to minimize gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and discomfort.

Cumin is incredibly easy to integrate into your day to day routine, and according to Healthline, cumin seeds can have a powerful effect on inflammation in the body, regardless of the cause. “The active ingredients in cumin seeds have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. This means that if you have pain or inflammation that trigger other conditions, cumin in your diet may counter the effects.” A study on rats has also shown that cumin seeds may even help to reduce pain and discomfort as well.

If you're looking for your next dinner inspiration that will offer you the wonderful anti inflammatory benefits of cumin, try out this Grilled Cumin Chicken recipe from Food Network to help you debloat your body with delicious flavor! For a plant based option, this Cumin-Infused Vegetables and Chickpeas over Quinoa dish will be ideal for incorporating some new flavor into your veggies.

Belly bloat may be incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating to deal with when you already follow a healthy lifestyle, but integrating cumin into your cooking may help to minimize the discomfort and do away with this symptom for good. Turmeric, ginger, and fennel seeds are other notable anti inflammatory spices to include in your cooking to improve your gut health, but this week, try out a new recipe with cumin to experience the wonderful benefits of this natural remedy.

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